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Ross : Laur,I'm glad I married you{Smiles kisses her}

Laura : Me too Honey{Smiles}

Ross : Do u want something to eat?

Laura : Yes,Please

Ross : ok{Goes to the kitchen}

Riley : Mommy?

Laura : Yes Sweetie?

Riley : I'm scared

Laura : Why are u scared Honey{Hugs Riley}

Kate :{Crawls} Mommy

Laura : Hey baby girl{Picks up Kate}

Ross :{Comes back with Food}Here you go my wifey,hey baby{Kisses Kate's forehead}

Kate : Daddy{Smiles}

Ross : Yea Honey?

Kate : Love u Daddy

Ross : Love you too Honey

Riley :{Smiles} Kate?

Kate : Yes Big Sister?

Riley : Wanna hangout with me?

Kate : Yes I love too{Kate is 5 now}

Ross : You girls can hangout in our room

Laura : You two be careful

Riley : okay,come on Kate {Holds Kate's hand}

Laura : Rossy I'm glad we're married {Smiles}

{With Riley,Kate}

Riley : So what do u like about Little sister

Kate : I Love Animals

Riley : I love Dogs

Kate : I Love Cats

Riley : Okay what else?

Kate : I Love to sing write stories

Riley : Me too

Kate : Big sister?

Riley : Yes?

Kate : I'm hungry

Riley : Okay{Goes to Ross's and Laura's room}{but see's them asleep} I'll make you something to eat

Kate : You sure?

Riley : Yes,I'm sure

Kate : Okay Breakfast Pancakes

Riley :{Makes Breakfast} Here u go

Kate : Thanks

Riley : You're welcome Kate

Kate : {Eats breakfast}

Riley :{Eating too}

Kate :{Finishes} Okay I'm done eating

Riley :{Smiles,puts the plates in the sink} Let's go in the backyard

Kate : Ok

Riley,Kate : {Goes outside in the backyard}

Riley : what do u want to do?

Kate : Um...Play ball?

Riley : That's fine with me

Kate :{See's a scary guy looking at her}We should go back inside

Riley :{See's the scary guy too}Yeah come on{Goes inside with Kate}

Jason : Hey want some puppies?

Riley : Kate they are tricking us

Kate : No we don't

Jason :{Bad guy} want some candy?

Kate : No!

Riley : we don't talk to strangers!

Kate : Just Leave

Jason : I'm not leaving

Riley : DADDY!!

Ross :{Hears Riley scream and goes outside towards the backyard} Sweetie what happened?

Kate : This guy is trying to kidnap us

Ross : Well That's never going to happen girls go inside with ur Mommy

Kate,Riley :{Goes into the house}

Jason : I'm gonna come back!

Ross : No you're not bc,I'm not letting u kidnap my kids {Mad}

Jason :{Leaves}

Ross : Girls you will be fine,when I'm around he's not gonna kidnap u guys {Hugs them}

Laura :{Walks downstairs} Girls what happened?{Worried}

Ross : I heard Riley scream and then I saw this guy trying to kidnap our kids{Mad}

Riley :{Crying} Daddy I'm scared

Ross : I'll protect u girl always

Kate : We Love u Daddy

Ross : Love u girls

Endless Nights(Sequel to wanna be with u)Where stories live. Discover now