Why does this keep happening to me?

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A special thank you to katelyn_luvs_you for my original cover :) and to DarkElementsXo for editing :)

A/N--- Ok so here is the second revision of chapter one. I will be revising all the chapters I have so far.I am working on changing the tense to present so forgive me in the next chapters I will get to them soon. So if you are new to reading my book welcome :) I hope you enjoy and pleas leave me some feedback and vote if you like it. Thank you for taking interest in my work :)


“You have got to be kidding me… not again!” I scream out in frustration as I kick the right, rear tire of my red Mazda with my favorite red pumps. Of all days to lock myself out of the car, why does it have to be today?  I franticly dig through the contents of my seemingly bottomless purse for my cellphone.

I slap myself in the forehead, “Just perfect. I left my phone on the kitchen counter next to the coffee pot.”  Of course I had locked the front door as I walked out of it a few minutes ago. Raging with frustration, I throw my zebra print purse across my well-manicured yard. It lands with a plop in the rose bush. 

Today is not my day; I have a meeting at school in approximately fifteen minutes. I pace back and forth across the yard- my heels sinking into the ground with every step I take. How the hell am I supposed to get there on time? Running in three inch heels is definitely out of the question. I could call Owen, I’m sure he would get me there.

Wait, nope, can’t do that as my phone is in the house. Besides, why should I ask for his help since he didn’t even bother to tell me that he was back in town? That man is so infuriating. He is supposed to be my best friend and he doesn’t even call me to tell me that he’s back.

Ugh, I have to get my purse out of that evil rose bush. Whose bright idea was it to throw it in there anyways? Oh yeah, that was mine.

I stomp across the yard to the giant rosebush that has consumed my purse for dinner. This is going to hurt, I think as I reach into the bush. The thorns pierce the skin on my wrist and forearm.

“Ouch, give it back!” I scream as I tumble backwards losing my balance and landing flat on my back.  The contents of my purse fly over my shoulder in slow motion, and then crash to the grass. Defeated, I just lay there on the grass. What a way to start the day! I guess I shouldn’t expect anything less. I close my eyes while I lay there on the cool grass.

There is a slight breeze that brushes across my face and I can smell the scent of freshly cut grass tickling my nose. Reminds me of the many summer nights Owen and I spent lying in the grass looking up at the stars. I smile as I remember his sparkling blue eyes and the way he smirked right before he pounced on me, tickling me until I couldn’t catch my breath.

 “Katie, what the hell are you doing?” I recognize that deep sultry voice.

 I open my eyes to see the most gorgeous set of blue eyes. He looks down at me with deep concern. I hadn’t even noticed that my black skirt was flipped up and now the whole neighborhood could see my red, lacy panties. I quickly sit up and blush as I straighten out my skirt. Of course he had to pick this exact moment to come by my house. My face is probably four shades of red at this moment.

“Let’s just say I’m having a really bad day,” I try to stifle a laugh. “Wait… what are you doing here in my yard anyways Owen?”  I give him an evil look as I adjust my shirt.

His dark hair is messy and sweat is soaking through his gray t-shirt, yet he looks amazing as he stands there in the warm sunlight.

 “I was out for a run when I saw you laying here on the grass,” he laughs.

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