Stupid Stubborn Woman

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            I just drove not knowing where I intended on going, as I replayed what she said in my head. What a self-absorbed brat she was. I knew she was hurting and the hormones were making her crazy but all I was trying to do was help her. Why can’t she just let me help her stop being so damn stubborn? I love her to death and I don’t think she understands how much it hurts me to see her in so much pain. I will just give her some space for a few hours then go back to the house if she wants me there.

            I pulled into my parents drive and walked straight back to the barn. I think taking Sable out for a run would help me clear my head. I put her saddle on then walked her out of the barn. I hopped on her back and then we were off flying down the trail through the woods.

It was freezing outside but I didn’t really care. I could feel the icy wind against my bare knuckles. The sky was overcast grey and the sun attempted to peek through the clouds. A few minutes later we burst through the tree line to where the pond sat.

I pulled the reigns back gently to slow her to a trot as we made a complete lap around the pond. Sable let out a small whinny.

“I know girl…it will be ok, we will get through this.” I patted the side of her neck.

            Not too long ago I was being thrown into the pond. I remembered that night very clearly. That day water was the enemy, but the minute she said yes made all the bad luck with water worth it.  

            The sun began to set so I headed Sable back towards the barn. The wind was icy cold on my face as we darted through the woods. After we crossed the stream I must have not been paying attention and a branch smacked me in the head and almost knocked me off of Sable. Damn that hurt and was probably going to leave a nasty mark.

            I put sable back in her stall then fed and brushed out her coat. Horses are very therapeutic. I probably should call Katie and make sure she is doing ok. I left my phone in the truck so I will just call her on my way.

 I finished putting the saddle and bridle away then headed back to the truck. I had already forgotten about my forehead. I called her phone and all I got was the voicemail. That was unlike her she always answered her phone.

            I shouldn’t have left her by herself what was I thinking? I called her phone one more time and again got the voicemail. “Hey Hun, it’s me… please call me back when you get this… I love you,” I said to the mailbox.

            I looked up into the rear view mirror and noticed a huge gash above my right eye. Dang I guess it got me worse than I thought. I needed to check on Katie so I could just clean it up when I got to the house.

I head back to town without saying anything to my parents, I know it was rude of me but I don’t have time to listen to my dad complain about everything. Dad just won’t listen to the doctor when he tells him to take it easy. His back isn’t like it used to and he should not be lifting half the stuff he does.

            I really hope Katie felt a little better now. I pulled into the drive and noticed all the lights were off in the house. The sun has set now, so it was dark out here. Hopefully I could manage to make it to the front door without breaking my neck by tripping on something or slipping on ice. I managed to make it to the front door without injuring myself. The door was still unlocked so it doesn’t appear that she has come out of that room yet. I hope she had at least tried to eat something. I walked down the hall and tried to turn the knob on the bedroom door but it was still locked.

            “Katie,” I gently knocked on the door.

            She doesn’t answer so I knock louder…Still no answer. Now I was worried. I don’t want to bust her door by kicking it in…Oh well I could always fix it later. I kicked the door hard like they did on the cop shows and the door flew open. She was lying in the bed and didn’t budge even with the loud bang. I took a step in and something crunched under my foot. I looked down and noticed it was her cell phone in pieces. What the hell happened here?

            I nudged her trying to wake her. She didn’t respond so I shook her harder and said “Katie wake up honey you are scaring me.” Still no response. Something was not right. She was very cold and clammy. I scooped her up and headed to my truck and rushed to the ER.

            I carried her limp cold body into the ER waiting room and headed towards the nurse standing in front of me.

            “She’s non responsive to any stimuli, she’s six weeks pregnant, and depressed,” I told her

            “Ok bring her this way Owen,” the nurse said.

            I really should remember her name but right now all I could think about was Katie. It has just been one hit after another with her. I don’t know why we can’t just get a break. I tried to stay out of the way so they could work on her but I couldn’t pull myself away from her side. I held her cold hand tightly as the nurse drew blood from the other arm where she had started an IV.

            “When is that last time she has had any food?” Doctor Thomas asked.

            “She has refused food all day,” I replied.

            “She appears to be very dehydrated and her blood sugar is thirty-six,” He said.

            The nurse hung a bag of fluid with glucose. Why did I leave her alone? I should have forced her to eat something.  She started to move a little now.

            “Katie honey wake up for me,” I said as I held onto her hand.

            “Abby come back,” she mumbled.

            “Honey Abby isn’t here it’s me Owen,” I told her.

            “Where am I? Get me out of here away from these people!” She started to scream.

            “Katie you are in the hospital,” I assured her.

            “Get away from me now!” she yelled and tried to get out of the bed.

            “Katie calm down it’s not good for the baby,” the nurse said.

            “I want out of here now and I don’t care about this stupid baby I never wanted it in the first place,” She yelled as she tried to pull out her IV.

            To stunned to respond I just tried to help the nurse hold her down when she swung her fist and nailed me in the cut above my right eye.

            “Damn it Katie stop it!” I yelled as the nurse stabbed her with the sedative.

            “I hate you leave me alone!” she said as she quickly lost consciousness.

            “Owen that cut is going to need stitches you are bleeding all over the place,” Doctor Thomas said.

            He stitched up my forehead, sure it stung a little but I was pretty numb from what Katie had just said. “She needs help, and I don’t think I can help her,” I said.

            “You can’t give up on her now when she needs you the most,” He replied.

            “How can I help her if she just keeps shutting me out?”

            “She is in a lot of pain right now but she will love you more if you keep standing by her no matter how much she says that she hates you,” he replied.

            “A lot easier said than done,” I mumbled.

            “She needs help yes and I believe you are the only one that will be able to get through to her,” He said.

            “I will do my best to help her,” I replied.

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