Just Full of Surprises

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I am stunned at the view before me. I couldn’t believe we had finally finished it. All the baby furniture I ordered, with the help of Katie of course, was all in place now. The room was complete. All that was left to do was show Katie tonight.

I pulled in our drive about 30 minutes later. None of the house lights were on which was rather odd for this time of day. She must be taking a nap or something. I quietly walked through the door and headed down the hall to our bedroom.

I peeked in the door and saw Katie curled up on the bed holding a teddy bear. I quietly covered her up with a blanket and headed back down the hall to the kitchen. I might as well make dinner while she was resting… at least it gives me something productive to do.

By the time I had dinner on the table Katie emerged from the bedroom smiling.

“Hey hun, how was your nap?”

“Would have been better if you were lying by my side,” she said as she got on her tiptoes and gave me a kiss.

“Well after dinner I have a surprise for you,” I said

“Oh really? What kind of surprise?”

“You will just have to wait to find out.”

We finished dinner and cleaned up the dishes. We even managed to have a small water fight while we washed dishes. I helped her into the truck and we headed out to the cabin. I knew she was puzzled when we pulled into the drive because she gave me a really funny look.

“What are we doing here?” she asked.

“Just wait and you will see.”

We pulled up to the house and I could see her gawking at the landscaping. “Oh my Owen it is beautiful, I love the gazebo.”

“Just wait til we get inside the house.”

“You mean this wasn’t the surprise?” She asked shocked.

I parked the truck and jump out. I was so excited to show her the new room. I helped her out of the truck and led her into the house. We stopped at the door of the baby’s room.

“Wait, where did this door come from?”

“Why don’t you open the door and find out what is in there.”

She slowly turned the knob and opened the door. I flipped the light on and instantly her hand flew up to her mouth as she gasped. I noticed that tears began to fall down her face. I walked up behind her and place my arms around her waist.

“When did you do all this?”

“Well you remember when I said I was picking up extra shifts?”

“You lied to me about working. How dare you.” She elbowed me playfully.

“It is so beautiful, wait does that mean we are moving out here?” she smiled.

“That is the plan. I know how much you love it out here so I wanted to make this our home. So now do you understand why I kept blowing off the house shopping appointments?”

“Yes. This place is perfect. Thank you so much.” She turned around and wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me gently on the lips.

“You know I would do anything for you Katie.”

“I know, and I would do the same for you.”

“So do you want to just stay here tonight or head back home?” I asked while I led her out of the room. She didn’t respond but instead stopped dead in her tracks then grabbed her stomach and squeezed my hand hard.

“Katie what’s wrong?” I asked concerned.

“I think I’m having contractions, this is the third one today.”

“We are going to the hospital now.”

I walked Katie out to the truck and helped her in. I knew I was driving too fast but it was too early for her to start having contractions. I heard her yelp and she squeezed my hand as we drove back to town.

 By the time we reached the hospital the contractions were coming more frequently. I pulled up to the ER entrance and ran inside to get a wheel chair. I helped her into the chair and pushed her inside.

The triage nurse sent us straight upstairs to OB. We got into the room and I transferred her to the bed. She looked so scared right now. Her eyes were pleading help to me. All I could do was watch as they hooked her up to the various monitors.

“How far along are you?” The nurse asked.

“About 29 weeks.” Katie replied almost panting.

“The baby’s heart rate looks good. Your blood pressure is a little high though,” the nurse explained.

The next contraction hit right as the doctor walked through the door. He gave some orders to the nurse. She left the room and returned with an IV kit. The nurse had a hard time starting the IV because of Katie’s contractions, but she managed to get it in.

“Well Katie it looks like you are in labor,” the doctor explained.

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