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"The prognosis is unclear. I'm sorry to say that her future is uncertain. She may live upto 5 days but under tremendous amount of pain."

"There must be something you can do to save her! She's all I have left."

"Miss, you are lucky to be in this era. Most still won't treat her, claiming that she's been tainted. You are fortunate for the little help that she has received; few seldom make it this far."

"But how? Why her?"

"You are attempting to understand the brutal struggle of nature. You can't control anything! You are wasting precious time, you may argue with me later. Now go, she needs you more than ever before."

The girl looked tired but gave a half-hearted attempt at a smile before it faded away into a thin line of pressed lips. Her eyes were a gateway to her soul and her bald head did little to help her detoriating condition. But she still put up a brave front despite the knowing the ineveitable end of her short journey was near.


"Alexia love, I'm so sorry..."

"For what? You have given me the best of everything. I have seen the world with you and most importantly I was always cradled in your love, what more could one ask for?"

"How philosophical you have become. You put my age to shame. But what is all the money in the world worth without having anybody to share it with?"

"Then donate it to orphanages, old homes, asylums..."

"Is that what you want?"

"What I want is different from what I need. I want to be able to live longer but that's not happening is it?"

"Alexia! Don't say such things, there's still hope."

"I heard what the Doctor said. There's no to be cowardly and hide it. I will embrace death as a long-lost friend and I will wait for you."

The child suddenly started convulsing and her blood pressure sky-rocketed. It was as though she always knew but was waiting for the opportune moment to strike.

"No!!! Noooo, Alexia!! Doctor!Somebody helpppp!!!" Her screams riccocheted across the abandoned hallways.

She embraced her daughter and lightly her rocked her while singing her favourite lullaby. She held her hand and cried. She looked into her fading lifeline and prayed fervently. She spoke gibberish and she danced hysterically between different instruments trying to lessen the extent.

"The doctor said I still have five more days! You can't leave me, listen to me Alexia. You are a strong girl, you can fight this! I know you can hear, work with me PLEASE!"

She struggled with her limited of knowledge of medical trauma treatment. But it was of no use. Her eyes were rolling backwards and her mouth had already started to foam. She was choking on her own breaths and not a single sound was heard even after pressing the emrgency buttons repeatedly.

She pumped her daughters heart frantically even beated against it but to no avail, the beating was steadily dropping. She twitched every few seconds but even to fool it was obvious that fight was long gone from her. She had but a few minutes left.

In what seemed like an eternity, she finally gave up and gave into the black closing in around her. The monitor stopped beeping and the girl looked almost serene. Her mouth opened to a half curved smile and her hands clapsed together. She looked like she was having a wonderful dream and would wake up any second. It was probably best for her to be like this. The last memory of her beauty and sweet sympathy.

The doctors now entered the scene, looking around and trying to gauge how the situation could have changed so dramatically. But to the mother, everything was now in slow motion. Her tear-stained face and broken heart could do no more then play the horrifying scence repeatedly like a broken tape recorder.

They asked her questions but she was blank. She had lost everything and nothing mattered anymore. A few days later it would be in the papers that on account of negligence, a child had lost a bright future but she would locked up somewhere where needles and deep shards would poke into her damaged mind trying to salvage the remainder of the ruins.

She would go crazy and left alone on the streets while her fortune wasted away. But in the final years of her life, she would rise from the ashes of the past like a phoenix and perform a miracle. She would build a hideaway for people like her. The specially challenged but unbelievably more gifted kind, she would ressurect them and guide them, in time healing them. She would become a mother to many children and she would wait for her time patiently to meet her beloved child. But she would never forget.

This is my first attempt at a story so please give me your feedback on it; it would mean a lot to me. Vote, comment, fan. Until next time ;) 

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