Part 5

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"What if we do find him?" Dean asked. "I can't overpower a demon like this. Especially when I'm bleeding out of my you-know-what!" he hissed.

Sam rolled his eyes as far back as they could go, trying hard not to pimp slap his brother. "If push comes to shove, you act like you've never seen a demon before. Hopefully, he won't recognize you, so we can pretend that you're dead."

"And am I supposed to be a hooker now?!"

"No!" Sam threw his hands up in exasperation. "You'd be my friend or something! Maybe someone I just met on the way home."

"So you don't love me?" Dean stuck out his bottom lip and pouted. Sam glared at his brother. "Okay, chill with the face," Dean tolled his eyes. "I'll try not to blow my cover."

"Good," Sam sighed in relief. "Now let's go dig around to see if we can't push him into the open."

"Sam, I'm cold," Dean whined a couple hours later. "We've been looking for this guy for, like, forever. I don't think we're going to–"

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" A man's voice rang from the shadows.

"Zaruzhal," Sam hissed.

"Sam Winchester? The hunter?" His dark brown eyes flicked black as he began reaching for a knife and glancing over Sam's shoulder as he pushed his brother behind him. "Where's the other one–Dean? And who's that?" he asked, nodding his head towards Dean.

"Sam?" Dean clung to his brother's arm, his face scared. "What's going on? Who is Dean?"

"Dean was my older brother," Sam said quietly. "He was killed in a hunting accident about a month ago."

"I'm so sorry," Dean replied. "But... how did that guy just change his eyes?" Suddenly, he jumped towards the demon, his eyes filled with excitement. "It's a magic trick, isn't it? Can you do it again? Please?" he begged.

Zaruzhal looked at Sam, confused. "Dean is dead, Zaruzhal. I quit hunting after that. Je... Jess is my... girlfriend and," he looked towards his brother who was still absorbed in figuring out how the demon changed his eyes, "and she doesn't know about... Your kind. Or any kind."

The demon looked down at the green-eyed girl that was staring intently at him. "Um, yes... It's a... magic trick."

"I knew it!" he exclaimed. "How did you do it?"

He faltered. "Oh! A... a good magician never reveals his tricks."

"I see," Dean's face fell.

"But I'd be delighted to show you a few more tricks at my ball tomorrow night. That is," he looked up at Sam, "if your boyfriend would allow it."

Dean had to bite his tongue to prevent himself from laughing. He turned back to his younger brother, bouncing on the balls of his feet. "Can we go, Sam? Pleeeease?" he begged.

"I don't know," Sam trailed off, scratching the back of his neck.

"Pretty please, Sammy?"

He sighed in resignation. "Fine. But only for a few hours."

Dean clapped in excitement. "Yay! I... love you, Sammy," he forced out.

Sam faltered for a moment, his façade disappearing for a split second. "I, uh, I love you too... Jess."

Zaruzhal raised his eyebrows, hiding a smirk. "Until we meet again, milady," he said, pulling Dean's hand up to his thin lips. Dean giggled. As he straightened up again, he met the cold stare of the "ex"-hunter. He grinned, tipping his hat. "And a farewell to you as well, Sammy."

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