Part 7

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Dean swallowed hard as his shoulders and hips broadened, causing the dress to tear open at the seams. He laughed nervously as all of the guests' eyes flicked black. "H-hi, everybody. I'm just gonna go..." The crowd snarled and began closing in on him. Dean took a fighting stance, cringing as his body continued to return to normal. Dean only threw one punch before it was lights out.

Hours later, he awoke with a searing pain in the back of his skull. "So, the Winchester wakes," a demon hissed. "We were told that you were dead."

"Surprise," Dean groaned in pain as his legs grew longer.

The monster grinned. "We don't even have to touch you and you're already in pain. But why don't we help out, hm?" He yanked Dean's head back by his hair, earning a snarl from the hunter. "This is going to so much fun."

"My brother will be here any minute," Dean growled, his voice lowering in pitch.

The demon laughed. "This room is warded against angels. They won't find you until it's too late, I'm going to make sure of that."

Yells rang out through the halls. "Who said anything about angels?" Dean panted, a smug grin on his face. The demon snarled, moving to stand behind the elder Winchester. Dean tensed up as a knife was placed across his throat.

His eyes met his brother's as he broke through the door, confusion crossing his face for a second. "Dean?"

"Heya, Sammy," he winced.

"How did you find us?" the demon hissed.

Sam held up his phone. "I tracked him." He raised his gun, "Now, let my brother go."

Dean sucked in a breath as the knife bit into his skin. "What's in it for me?" the demon asked.

"We'll let Zaruzhal go," Sam held his chin high.

"Sammy, no!" Dean leaned forward in surprise and anger. His eyes widened and he immediately regretted the movement. He gasped, feeling the blood pour down his neck. The demon took the moment to flee, not waiting for Sam to kill him.

Sam surged towards his brother, tearing the hem of his dress to stop the bleeding. "Dean, hey, hey, hey. Come on, eyes open." Dean's eyes flickered open for a moment as he continued to gasp for breath. "Cas was right behind me, Dean. He'll be here any second."

"Warding," Dean choked.

"Then I'm getting you out of here," Sam insisted. He picked up the bloody knife from the ground, using it to cut the bonds on his brother's wrists. Sam grunted as he tried to pick Dean up without jostling his head. As soon as they stepped out of the building, Cas was by their side. Dean smiled weakly before his eyes slipped shut. "Dean? Dean! Cas, hurry up!" The angel gently pressed his hand over Dean's throat, a soft glow emanating from his hand. He pulled his arm back, glancing at his palm. It was covered in blood. His gaze was torn from his hand when Dean coughed, the leftover blood dripping from his lips. "Dean?" Sam asked.

The hunter smiled a little. "Sammy."

"How you feeling? There was a lot of blood."

Dean laughed weakly. "Yeah, but a hell of a lot less than down there." Sam rolled his eyes, glad beyond words that Dean was okay and back to normal. "Thanks, Cas."

Castiel smiled gently. "That's what I'm here for."

"Wait, so how are you back to normal? Zaruzhal wouldn't tell me anything."

Dean shrugged. "Dunno. The spell must've worn off or something. I'm not really in the mood to question it." He hauled himself to his feet, wincing in pain. Cas took his arm, helping him to the car. Dean froze when he saw Baby, a scream erupting from his lips.

"What? What is it?" Sam exclaimed.

Dean moved closer to the car, examining his reflection in the shiny black paint. "I'm a painted whore," he gasped, a hand on his cheek. Sam let out a long sigh, rolling his eyes has hard as he could. "How the hell am I supposed to get this crap off?" Sam and Cas shared a glance, the angel shrugging slightly. "Guys?" Dean asked when they stepped into the car. "Guys, I'm serious."

"Hi, Serious, I'm Castiel."

Dean blinked in surprise. "Since when did you learn sarcasm?"

"Sam taught me that."

"Right," Dean said, crossing his arms. "When did you and Sammy have enough alone time to learn that?"

"Ooh, is someone jealous?" Sam cooed, glancing at the men in the backseat.

"Shut up, Sam." The younger Winchester laughed, starting the car. Dean sighed, turning to Cas. "Thank you, Cas. For everything."

"My pleasure, Serious." Dean groaned loudly as Sam began cackling. "I don't understand, aren't I supposed to continue the joke until you say that you are something else?"

"Sure, Cas," Dean shook his head, smiling a little. "Sure. So, what are we going to do with Z-bag, now that I'm back to normal?"

"Oh, I already killed him," Sam waved his hand nonchalantly. "He said he didn't know how to fix you, so I just stabbed him in the face."

Cas and Dean exchanged glances. "Sammy, is there something you want to talk about?"

"No," he shook his head. "Why?"

"That just seems really passive aggressive."

Sam shrugged. "It happens. Some people you just really want to high five. In the face. With a chair. Or with a knife." Dean nodded slowly, his eyes wide as he glanced at the angel next to him. Castiel simply shrugged, telling Dean that this was a problem for another day. "You know, Dean," Sam continued, "I'm actually pretty glad you're back to yourself. If I had to deal with your hormones one more day, I think I would've stabbed you."

Dean rolled his eyes. "Whatever, Sammy." He looked out the window and watched as the birds flew by. "Hey, can we stop for some pie? And beer? And a burger? And I don't know why, but I'm really craving some chili fries right now..."

Sam let out a long groan, thumping his head onto the steering wheel. It was going to be a long drive.

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