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A Chinese variety show named "年代秀" (Niándaìxiù) mentioned that Wu Qian (Sehun's leading lady in Catman, the one that Sehun kissed 😭) worked in the same screen with XunLu.

I wonder what film is it or show :3 I wanna watch it because it has HUNHAN (ignore Wu Qian 😁)

And GUYSEUUUU ~ HAPPY HAPPY 1K~ READS 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 It is late to say thanks but THANK YOU VERY MUCH, KAMSAHAMNIDA, XIEXIE, ARIGATOU GOUZAIMASU for READING THIS THING! Hehehe 😁👍 Saranghae pyong! ebrebadeh ~ ❤️❤️💓💕💕

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