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Well, these questions has been bugging me around lately (and last year too 😂)

Please answer them, I will really appreciate your cooperation 😁

• For you, is HunHan is real or not?

• Do you ship them as a legit couple or nah?

• LuHan is in China and Sehun is in Korea. What if the codes, small interactions, same clothes, same styles and other things done by HunHan are just part of the show? (I know Lu contract in SM finally ended but I can't help to think this way)

Pleaseeeee pleassssseee answer themmmmm 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

Tell me your reactions towards them, feelings about them, theories, conspiracies and other things. I just REALLLLY REALLY want to know of how do you think about them.

I hope you will notice this 😂😂 Thank you very much 💕

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