chapter 3

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Gin waited for our promised summer.

"It's cold" i said while putting my feet in the water full of water lilies. Then i laughed at it.

"You're weird!! Ofcourse the water is cold." Gin said to me.......

Then we walked at a forest then i saw a hand coming from a tree. Then he hold gin.

"GIN!!" The tree said

"Gin???" I said

"It's dangerous,Gin. That's a human child. If she touches you, you'll disappear." The tree said again.

"Thank you. I'm fine"  gin said plainly then he brush off the hand of the tree on his body...then the tree let go.

"Please don't touch him,human child." The tree said and disappear.

"Yes!" That only word that i response.
Then we walked again.. i saw a japanese umbrella saying

"Gin,please be careful." They said

"The spirits can touch him, right?" I said to myself. Then once again while we were walking i can only see Gin's back.

Two summers passed. Then three.

"Cristina! Where are you? Cristina! Cris-" he stopped and shock.

"Rawwrrr" i said while hanging on the tree in front of him. The suddenly my dress fall down which may underwear expose to Gin.

"W-what are you doing??" He said

"I wanted to see your startled face, and everytime i was here, can you take off your mask ever once in a while?" I asked.then i heard a cracking sound but I ignore.

"It's fine, but is there a reason?" He said while taking his mask off gently and slowly.

"Not really, but-" then i heard again the cracking sound and i found out that the branch that i sat broke.

"Watch out, cris-" then i saw him running towards me reaching his hand and i was shock of it then he stop... i thought i will be hurt but thanks to the bushes im saved.

"*sigh* that was close." He said

"Yeah..." i said and glared at him

"I'm sorry cristina. Are you okay?" He said

"Thank goodness. Hey gin, no matter what, don't ever touch me, okay??" I said while smiling on him...then suddenly i burst into tears.

The next summer and the summer after that.. I visited the forest.

"Goodbyd uncle!"i said and run off to the forest

"Gin!! I'm here again this year. Ta-da. I've become a fifth grader." I said while showing him our uniform of a 5th grader.

"Somehow,you're starting to look like a woman." He said while sitting in the stairs of the gate.

"I am a woman." I said with disappointment on my face.

"Shall we go?" He said then he walk off again.

"Yeah!!" I said

"Huh? This is...." i said to myself.

While walking to the lake.....

"Even though i'm in middle school now, a lotof my elementary school friends are in ths same classes, so it doesn't really fedl like anything changed. "I said then we talk a lot of things

"Somehow, Gin ages much more slowly than humans. As the years go by, my appearance changes,but gin is almost the same as the day we met." I said

While walking back to my home gin stop walking then i looked back i saw him lifting his chin up cause there was a butterfly on the nose of his mask. Then he carefully lift his mask and showed his full face he was smiling with the butterfly let go of the mask. Then he suddenly closed his eyes to feel the fresh air. It was the most beautiful thing i ever see in my life

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