Part 1

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( Katie's POV )


"Hey Katie are you excited for the dance tonight?" Jessie asked.

"Omg YES!!" I responded.

When I get home I see a note on the table,

"Katie me and dad need to talk to you," The note says.

"Oh no what have I done now!" I think to myself.

When I find mum and dad, their sitting outside waiting for me. I sit down beside them.

" Katie we decided that it was best to tell you this at the last minute."

"... What!?!" I said nervously.

"We are moving to London." They Say.

"WHAT?!?! NO!!" I yell. " My life for once was actually beginning to be normal. But no you have to ruin everything."

" I'm sorry Katie... Go Pack." Dad says

I run to my room to cry on my bed. But I can't. Everything is packed except my clothes. I quickly call Jessie, and tell her the whole story.

"WHAT?? You can't!!" She insisted. I could hear her start crying over the phone. Not long after, I joined her. "We-l-l are u atleast going to the dance?" She sobbed.

"Defiantly!!" I say proudly.

Authors Note: Hey Guys Thanks So Much For Reading My Fanfic!!! It Means The World. Chapter 2 Coming Soon :)

( Jessie's POV)


The danced started 10 minutes ago and Katie still hasn't showed up. So just decide to wait for her. When she finally get's here i can see the tear marks still on her face and it's pretty obvious she tried to hide them.

"Hey Jessie!!" She says with a fake smile.

"Hey Katie!!" I Say "R U Okay?"

"No..." She says bursting into tears.

"C'mon Katie..." I Say

"Where Are we going?" She asked

( Katie's POV )

Jessie pulls me out of the dance.

"Where are we going?!? I repeat.

"The mall!" She says with a smile.

Jessie knows that the mall always puts me in a good mood.

" If it's our last day together were gonna do something fun!!"

"Fine but have me home by 8. That's when mum wants me home to start packing."

"2 hours?" She Says. " That will work for me." So After we go shopping we sit at the curb crying before I leave for good. When I get home I see my mum packing up the kitchen.

" Hey darling!!" Mum said.

"Hi" I Mumbled. When I get to my room i see that mum has already packed all my clothes. As I look around my room there are so memories I've lived in this house all my life. And I just can't imagine life in a new house. In a new country. In a new world.

Authors note: How are u liking the book?? I can't wait till Harry comes in :)

( Katie's POV )

Chapter 3:

As they plane takes off and heads to Londondd I take one last glance of the beautiful mountains of Colorado.

I'm sure going to miss this place... my home. The whole plane ride I think of how my life is going to change. New School. New people. New house. New life. When we finally land which seemed like a year to do it's pretty dark outside so I don't really see much of the outside of the airport.

The ride home was about 2 hours long!! Ugh. And when we get to the house...

"WOW!!!! This house is huge!!" I think to myself. But i don't say it aloud because I don't want mom or dad thinking I was happy... not even for a second. When I get to my room I see that my bed and all my furniture is already in there. Which I have no idea how it got there but I don't really care. While I start to unpack mum comes in and informs me that I start school tomorrow!

"TOMMOROW?!" I Shout in confusion.

"Yep so hurry up and unpack so we can go school shopping." mum replies.

I don't know why... but school shopping is always exciting to me, but I don't really like going anywhere when it's dark like this. But I guess we have to since schools tommorow. So I hurry up and unpack everything and me and mum go to the local shop. This town we live in is actually not that bad. It kind of looks like LA. Me and mum didn't even know what to get for school. So we just got 2 packs of everything. Comp. books, pencils, spiral notebooks, highlighters, markers (etc.)

Chapter 4:

When I arrive at my new high school it's much bigger than my old one. And it seems like there are way more students because I see hundreds of kids standing in front of the school. When they bell rings they all pile in an I just wait in the back if the crowd. When everyone gets in which seemed like forever I go to my first class, which is homeroom right away when I sit down I can feel eyes staring at me from the seat behind me. I look behind me to see who it is an right away he smiles. It's like I looked at an angel. He has brown curly hair an dimples that can make anyone smile. After class he confronts me.

"Hi I'm Harry" the angel says.

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