Part 8

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"WHAT?!?" Harry's yells full of anger.

"Ya... I'm really sorry I didn't know what I was thinking!!!"

"YOU MADE ME CRUSH HIM!!! AND HE WAS MY BEST FRIEND!" Harry screams way to loud.

Harry leaves.

"Katie im really sorry is there any way you can forgive me?" Aspen asks me.

"Well... I don't know... I mean do you actually mean it?"

"Yes I honestly just want to be friends you seem really nice, and I've been a real bitch. I'm so sorry!!" Aspen pleas.

So I finally decide to forgive her. It looked like she actually meant it. And honestly She actually seems really nice. I just don't know why she was being such a bitch earlier.

When I get home... i see mom left me a note on the table... oh no... last time this happened.... lets just hope for the best.

"Hey honey me and dad left for the night (date night) we will be back at around midnight. there are some rice in the fridge you could eat for dinner." the note said.

I check the time... 5:00 yes I have ALOT of time !!!! :) So I decide to call Harry...

"Hey Harry my parents left for the night you wanna come over?"

"On my way!!!!" He seemed way too excited.

Before Harry gets here I decide to clean up my look a little bit I probably look like shit... what's new? I apply 2 layers of eyeliner, foundation, pale lipstick, and mascara. Then I curl my hair and add a bow to perk up my bangs. Then finally I decide to wear my light blue sweater with black skinny jeans and ofcourse I put on my Stitch slippers :).

"Honeeyyy I'm Homeeee...!!!" I hear Harry joke from outside. Dang how adorable cannot he get?

I love the way he jokes. He is searously all that i can ask for.

'Hey babe he says walking through the door."

My hear swells up.

"Heyy :)" I say with a huge smile :)

The whole night all we do is watch chic flicks, kiss, make o-, Lol you get it.

"Hey Harry.... umm do you think you can tell me what happened to you and Louis now that you know..."

"Katie... its really hard for me to say it... but i guess i can spill."

"Ok well one day your dad and my dad had this huge war type of thing because well i dont really know what happened but, i know that me and Louis also had a huge fight. And i dont know i guess we just have never liked eachother since then... But its nothing really."

(Harrys POV)

After i tell her the story her face looks completeley shocked. Kinda like she just got shot or something. i still dont know exacly how she took it but i was kinda nervous to tell her. I was afraid that maybe she would like break up with me since herfamily kinda hates me....

"Katie...?" I ask wanting to tell her more. The most important thing. I just dont know if im ready to tell anyone.


"Well... Theres more..." I say very nervously.

(Katies POV)

"Wait... Theres more..." He sats very nervously.

I can see him tearing up and he hasnt even told me. Im really worried.

"Harry...? You can tell me anything !!!! Whats wrong?"

"Well... In the fight... my dad... he sufficated... and-" He sobs

Before i let him finish i instantly hug him so tight i think his eyes might pop out...

"Harry im so sorry..."

"Its fine... umm when will you parents get home um.. if they see me.. they might kill me." He says.

"I dont kn-" I Get cutt of by the dooropening.


"Harry come here..." I whisper.

We tip toe outside and we stand by the tree. Its kinda awkward. So i end it and basiclly smash his lips. It feels so perfect when its just me, him and our lips. I love him i really do.

"I love you Harry."

"I love yo-" He gets cut off.


I see mom staring at us with her mouth wide open.

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