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Once Upon A Time

There was a happy family, with five kids, they're names were Piper, Jack, Nate, Mimi, and the youngest, Tim. They had the two of the best parents a child could ever ask for. They lived in Iowa, on Mason Drive,

For the moment.

They seemed pretty normal. They're parents seemed to have normal jobs, and a great relationship, mom and dad would always come home one time with no surprising late nights, while kids would learn new things at they're normal school.

It all "Seemed" great.

Until they're parents got a mysterious phone call. The kids didn't care, they just thought it was something to do with their parents' jobs, the kids never even thought that something could be very wrong.

It was very serious.

The oldest child, Piper, sensed that something was off, she tried to ask her parents about it. But was completely shut out by them on the situation. They wouldn't talk, to anyone. Not a single word. So, Piper eventually stopped thinking about it.

It all "Seemed" great.

Months later, They're parents announced a sudden "business" trip. And that they would be gone for a long time, but the look on mom and dad's faces looked so calm and collected, so the children wouldn't worry, so the kids went to go stay with dad's sister, their aunt, Maria. On the way out, mom and dad kissed every one of the children on the forehead and promised that it would be alright. Then they left, but vowed to write everyday.

It all "Seemed" fine.

Just as they promised, they're parents wrote everyday, for about four weeks. But then the letters slowly trickled to a sudden stop. Then one afternoon Maria got a letter, the lettering was in deep red, with no return address, and a strange seal on the back. She looked at it for a moment, and motioned for the children to go downstairs into the basement to play, and then proceeded to opened it, Piper turned to grab her doll from upstairs, but heard the sound of Maria ripping open the envelope and decided to quietly watch from the corner of the room. She watched her aunt read the note, she looked devastated, she held her face in her hands and leaned her elbows on the coffee table, crying softly, but only for the moment. 

Suddenly, she looked up wiped her smeared makeup off her face, and went into the kitchen. She was packing food as fast as she could. She saw Piper spying from the corner and told her to go and get the rest of the kids and get them ready to leave. She looked panicked. So Piper ran to go find her family downstairs, but suddenly, when Piper reached the bottom of the stairs, there was a loud crash coming from the up stairs in the living room she could hear the glass smashing and whatever it was, knocking things down and busting open doors, stomping footsteps, and Maria's screams with gunshots fired. 

And you could hear someone yelling "Where are they!" in an angry tone. There was a lot of crashing upstairs, Everyone was scared. Piper pulled everyone to the coat closet of the downstairs and locked the door and turned out all the lights. We heard footsteps come charging down the stairs, the booming voice then said "Search every room!" The children were terrified. they're skin turned white, with tears in their eyes. They got as close to the edge of the wall as they could, they all found a place to squeeze into. They were listening for the footsteps, and watching the beams of flashlights through the crack under the door,with every step, brought the children more, and more agony, they waited, and listened.

Suddenly they could hear the footsteps come toward them, and stopped, the door handle shook, then there was banging, trying to get in, the door, dented more and more, Then suddenly, the banging stopped, there were men crying out in pain, more gunshots fired. And then sudden dead silence. After a minute or so there was a slight noise, that was trying to pick the lock! It was only a matter of seconds before the person came in, so we all tried to hide moving shoes in front of us and hiding in jackets, we just sat there, and waited.

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