Chapter 4:The Prophetic Master of Elements

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Twice in two days I passed out after a fight,So when I woke up I was particularly embarrassed because everyone was staring at me again Mark noted"While you were sleeping you kept mumbling about rabbits and light and burgers did anything interesting happen while you were being tested?"I told them how I was chased around by an army of exploding rabbits and how I bested them Peter said"I'm impressed usually when the Master Mythians makes your test a battle against a moon rabbit ,people usually end up blown away or with fire on their hair"Will told me how he was tasked with creating a sword out of air and Mark told me how he needed to cast a spell to pass,So I concluded"So the adult Mythians really hate me cause it sounds like you guys were tested by making stuff while I get to be blown up to bits by rabbits"Strangely it was Selena who answered"No,the master Mythians want to see how powerful you actually are,I doubt they hate you unless you acted stupidly as usual when you were talking to them"then Selena smirked which annoyed me a lot,we waited for about an hour until finally a few of the masters went out and told us we passed then they told Peter and Selena to show us the academy so Peter took Mark and Will while I got stuck with Selena,she showed me where they practice and learn magic and where they made their weapons but what struck me the most was when she showed me where they kept their myth companions I asked"Wait we can keep legends in this school?!"Selena replied"Yeah but you have to tame them before you keep them of course but most of the myths in Maquhdiraz are pretty wild so you have to be very lucky to tame one"I signed"Oh"disappointed we continued the tour until finally we met up with Peter and the others,Peter had just gotten wind about how I handled the moon rabbit and asked"How were you able to let loose a ring of fire and summoned rocks to fly up and hit the rabbit?!Your not even trained!"I answered"Again I don't know how I do these kind of things it just seems familiar to me"Peter was obviously unsatisfied with my answer but he let the subject go,we then all headed to a room where a couple of master Mythians were waiting,,one of them informed"Since your team found them Peter it only seems fit for you to lead them so we're assigning them to your group"Peter answered"Thank you Master Jilo"I thought a master named Jilo why not? Master Jilo then turned to me and said"You come with me we need to talk"I was afraid he had telepathic powers and he heard what I said about his name but I obliged we walked outside of the room and into the terrace Master Jilo grunted"I assume you know why I want to talk to you"I said"Is it because you really want to know where I bought my clothes?"Master Jilo laughed and then solemnly told me"No,I want to talk to you because I want to know where you got the knowledge to do all this magic according to Peter you killed a Castoroides with a lightning bolt and according to my comrades you were able to summon a ring of fire and summoned rocks to help you subdue the moon rabbit I want to know how you were able to do that without learning magic here in the Academy"I told him"I'm getting tired of saying this but I don't know how I was able to do those things whenever I was about to do those things I had a feeling like it was right and let my instincts kick in for me then I do it and presto a dead Castoroides or a subdued moon rabbit"Master Jilo smiled"How you do these things without the proper knowledge still puzzles me but I believe you I know you are telling the truth"I asked"Is it because you have a truth detector spell?" Master Jilo laughed"No I don't have a spell for that but I can see that you are a honest young man,enough talk you should go to your quarters and rest,tomorrow you begin your lessons on magic as I turn to leave I asked"Master,what subject do you teach on campus?"Master Jilo smiled"Elements my boy it was where we came from so it's were we all go when we reach the end of our journey"

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