Chapter 5:Team KFC!

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Peter led me to his friends room and introduced me to all the other student Mythians:there was Selena,who smiled warmly;Mac,a tall guy with white skin,blond hair,and a mischievous grin;Tyr,an Asian  looking guy that had black hair and brown eyes,Mark,Will,and Cassia a brunette with blue eyes and a beautiful smile,and finally Holly a girl with blonde hair ,blue eyes and look that would make anybody wanna be friends with her.After introducing me to them,Peter explained that the students were grouped together so that it would encourage teamwork and competition,each group would face off against others every other Sunday in the Myth Games,Peter proudly informed"Our group name is the Knights of Fable and Charms"and I said"So our group name is KFC?"Selena stifled a laugh while the others grinned and fell over laughing,Peter smiled"Well yes but it's still a good name that we all pitched in to think"Peter continued his explanation about what time we would learn magic and what other courses we could learn and how there were even classes where you could battle monsters to test yourself,I in turn just wanted to find the nearest restaurant and chow down,after the explanation he showed me the facilities around the academy then we all went to sleep.The next day Peter brought me to class where he told me "All Mythians have a special subject they are good at so we're gonna find yours!"turns out I'm ok with all the subjects but none of them sent out I'm actually good at this vibes,Peter said"I'm sorry Daniel but I have never met anyone that didn't have any special subjects maybe it just hasn't kicked in yet ."I replied"Are there anymore subjects I can try?"Peter thought about it then he replied"There's Master Jilo's class I guess but he's class is only for Elemental Mythians"at that point I didn't care anymore I just wanted to see if I was good at something so I asked Peter to take me there,Peter led me through the chambers of the academy until we burst out into a beautiful garden where crystal chandeliers hang in the air,waterfalls rained down,and where the most beautiful trees bloomed,at the trees sat a group of students and sitting leisurely on a rock was Master Jilo,when he spotted us he said"Ah how are you today my boys?"Peter replied"Good,Sir we're here to see if Daniel's powers are greater in this class or if he isn't capable here"Master Jilo chucked"Then by all means join us Daniel let us see if you can do Elemental magic"I sat with the other kids and started listening to Master Jilo,He said"Well let's start off easy see if any of you can summon a ring of fire"Many of the Mythians with me struggled with this but a few got a hang of it,one even toss his ring around,me I just concentrated,while concentrating the kid that could toss his ring around snorted"How could a weakling like him manage to even summon fire he's useless unlike me!"I got so mad about that comment that I shouted"Well at least I don't look like a pig!"the kid got up and was about toss his ring at me when I summoned a fiery horse,the kid was so startled so much he accidentally dropped his ring on his toes"Ahhhh my feet! They're burning!"Master Jilo shot water on the kid's foot and stopped the fire then he turned to me,at first I thought that he was gonna scold me but then his face broke into a smile then said"Well it looks like you got the talents for an elemental Mythian so let's start"I was so surprised that Master Jilo wasn't angry at me I almost fell over when he told me that I could join his class Peter smiled and told me"Looks like we found your specialty".After that day I continued to train until Saturday evening,I learned how to summon elements to my aid and how to do a bunch more of cool stuff,life was going so great,Will found out he was good at summoning myth swords while Mark was good at creating spells,we constantly trained together on our magic trying to hone them. Finally Saturday came and Peter led our group to our usual table at the dining hall when suddenly at the head table ,where all the master mythians ,all of the masters stood up and raised a horned object to their mouths and announced "All Mythians please gather at the school gates!" all of the students and their team leaders started getting up and leaving to get to the gates, I asked"Peter what's going on?"Peter replied with a grin"Don't you remember that every other Sunday we have the Myth Games?" I said"Well yes but its Saturday today"and Selena snorted"Yeah but the Myth Games last a pretty long time by the time we end it'll be Sunday" I was astonished at how the games could take so long ,Peter saw my expression and laughed"Don't worry it'll be fun!" So Peter led us to the school gates where many of the other students were already waiting,we waited for around 10 minutes when suddenly Master Jilo announced with a booming voice"Welcome to the Myth Games students! as you all know it will last until Sunday ,so I hope you have tons of energy to spare cause it'll be a hard 16 hours for all of you! Anyway the Games will start in a moment but a few rules to those that are new here, first you can't use War magic..."I asked Holly"War magic?" Holly replied with a smile"Well War magic are those kinds of magic that are used for battle and such" I asked"But isn't all our magic able to be used in war plus don't we need it to battle?"Holly said"Well yes, but the War magic Master Jilo is talking about is those kind of magic that is intended to kill, other magic like elemental and sword summoning and such is fine and yes we need to use our magic to battle" Master Jilo assessed all the other rules which were all pretty standard and then assigned the groups to different locations to get their mission after waiting for five minutes he finally said"Knights of Fables and Charms please proceed to the Elemental Fields"I groaned"Great more challenges to knock me out"everyone laughed and Peter turned to us smiling and said"Well let the Games begin guys!".

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