Ch23 Wild Magic

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"I don't care how mean and horrible you are but you are supposed to have at least some sense of style!" Stella shook her head making the rest giggle.

"Guys I think I just heard something.." Musa trailed off looking around.

"Yeah Musa it's me talking" Stella rolled her eyes and we all stared at her giving her the glare.

"Keep rolling maybe you'll find a brain up there" Musa retorted making me laugh.

"Come on girls" Fora looked at them ,"this will become an argument and we don't want that do we?"

They both shook their heads and we continued walking.

"So what's the plan Bloom?" Tecna asked

"Well first of all we will have to find the source of wild magic and then we'll see." She said looking around.

"I think we should separate, it will be easier to find what we are looking for" I suggested

They all nodded and we split up into two groups.

Flora, Stella and Bloom went one direction and Me, Musa and Tecna went to the other.

"So what exactly are we looking for?" Musa asked

"Well something that has high potential of wild magic." Tecna told us

"Great..." I said looking around.

Surrounding us were piles and piles of rocks and everything looked old and scary. The rocks were in forms of trees and it seemed like they were closing up on us.

"Run!" I shouted

"You mean fly?" Musa said panting

"That would be no use, the rocks are too high!" Tecna yelled as we were all gasping for air.

"I hope the others have had better luck than us." Saying that I hit the moving rocks with my morphix powers which made them slow down for a while.

The rock looking trees were getting closer and closer with each ragged breath. The cold night air coursed through my lungs and dried my already parched throat.

My heart was beating so fast, I was scared it would lead death right to me.

That, or it would burst out of my chest. Both options sounded rather unappealing.

I let my hands rest upon my knees as I took two deep breaths. In through my nose out through my mouth. After wiping away the beads of sweat on my forehead I took in my surroundings as well as the others.

The blood pounding in my ear clogged my brain, and we launched into a small path at full speed. I had my arms stretched out in front of me as I ran.

If this path led to a dead end I wanted a bit of warning before colliding with something.

Our pace picked up and I thanked everyone and anyone, when I saw that the rock looking trees weren't following us anymore.

"That was insane.." Musa trailed of still panting and gasping for air.

"Mhm.." Tecna agreed

"Well I know for sure I'm never doing this again." I smiled

Bloom' P.O.V

This whole quest was quite unusual and I was starting to get worried for the others.

"I hope the others haven't gotten into trouble" I said saying my thought aloud.

"Well if anything would have happened to them we would know, right?" Flora looked scared and I stroke her back

"Yeah don't worry they probably had better luck than us for sure!" Stella answered brushing her hair

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