Luke - Teenagers

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A/N: I'm British, so when I say football, I mean British football/soccer. Just wanted to clarify that.

The bell rang for the end of Drama - and the end of the day - and I swung my bag over my shoulders and dashed down the hallway to my locker. Most people in my situation would try and act cool, but I know that's impossible for me, so why bother trying?

Han found me by my locker.
"Hey," he said in his usual self-assured drawl that made my heart beat faster. My hands faltered as I pulled my hoodie out of my locker.
"H...hi," I managed to stammer in response.
"Ready to go?" he asked. I nodded in response and we made our way up the stairs and left the school.

The walk to the park was made in awkward silence, in which I attempted to think of literally anything I could talk to Han Solo about.
'You could ask him if he's participating in Sports Day,' my brain suggested. I dismissed that idea; Han looks sporty, but honestly couldn't care less about sports.
'Maybe you could talk about how you dislike sports too?" I pushed aside that idea as soon as it formed. It's not the kind of thing you can just work into a conversation.
'See this is where it would help if you had literally any social skills,' my brain commented unhelpfully.

"What's that?" Han asked, pointing to a badge on my schoolbag.
"It's the Ravenclaw house badge," I said automatically.
"From Harry Potter?" he asked. I almost broke my neck turning to stare at him.
"Yeah," I said, confused. "How did you know that?" He shrugged.
"I've seen it mentioned on tumblr," he replied. Before I could ask what a guy like him was doing on tumblr, we arrived at the park.

And then my social ineptitude kicked in again.
"Um... what exactly do you do at the park?" It sounds stupid in retrospect, but I pretty much live indoors, in my bedroom, in my iPod. And people like Han Solo are confusing.

Han motioned to the people around him.
"Eat. Go on the swings. Talk. Play football." He shuddered slightly on that last one.
"Let's pass on that last one," I said, earning a slight smirk that made my heart rate skyrocket.

As we made our way to a bench, a football sailed past my head, almost hitting me. Then, as if that wasn't terrifying enough, a boy ran past us to get it. He looked about 17 and was tall and muscular and all-in-all very intimidating to a scrawny little nerd like me. He almost knocked me over as he went past, and kept going without a second glance.

"Teenagers scare the living shit out of me," I muttered under my breath.
"They could care less as long as someone will bleed." I turned around to find Han speaking the next lyrics.
"So... so darken your clothes," I said, shocked.
"Or strike a violent pose."
"Maybe they'll leave you alone..."
"BUT NOT ME!" We finish in unison. I stare at Han in awe.
"You know My Chemical Romance?!"

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