Jasper's Funeral

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Alice returned to her knees and continued to hold Jasper, her chest heaving in frustration and sorrow. The others formed a loose circle around her.

            "How did this Hunter find Jasper? I thought all the Hunters were gone." Alice questioned.

            "This...this is my fault. I did this...I killed Jasper." Jessica muttered, dropping her head into her hands.

            "What are you talking about Jessica?"

            "I told Jasper to follow Amber around, to find out what her routine is. I had no idea she was a Hunter, or a sorceress. I didn't even know those existed. When he didn't show up later that day, Edward and I went looking for him. I found him, his clothes shredded and he was weak. He told me Amber had attacked him. I confronted Amber and she gave me a vial containing what I thought was the antidote, but it was the antigen." Jessica wiped away tears that had escaped. "I'm sorry Alice; I never thought something like this could happen."

            "I don't blame you, Jessica. None of us thought Hunters were still around." Alice replied.

            "Erik's coming." Emmett observed.

            Erik set down the object he had built. He dropped the shovel beside it and moved back into the shadows.

            "Wait." Alice called. "Don't leave. Thank you. You didn't have to do this." Alice moved to the object and ran a hand over the smooth top. It was a beautiful white coffin.

            "It's nothing; it just felt like the right thing to do." Erik replied, still standing in shadow.

            Edward stood and reached for the shovel. He walked to the middle of the meadow, and began to dig.

            "We're going to need some rope and a stone." Carlisle stated. Erik turned and ran back to the house. He returned with two long pieces of rope.

            "I couldn't find a slab of stone." Erik said.

            "I'll be right back. There's something I need to find." Alice whispered to Jessica. "Will you?" Alice gestured to the coffin.

            Jessica nodded silently and pushed the lid away.

            Placing a final kiss on Jasper's forehead, Alice set Jasper gently in the coffin. She stood, brushed off her jeans and took off into the woods.

            "Where is she going?" Esme wondered.

            "She said she needed to find something." Jessica replied. She stared at Jasper lying in the coffin, and brushed away an errant tear. Claudia scooted over to sit beside her best friend.

            "I'm sorry Jess. Jasper was an amazing guy, and I'm glad I got to meet him before Amber killed him." Claudia spoke, wrapping a supporting arm around her shoulders.

            "Thanks Claudia." Jessica replied. "Can I ask you something?"

            "Sure Jessica, what is it?"

            "Will you sing at Jasper's burial? You have the best voice of anyone I've ever met."

            "Of course I will. I would love to."

            Jessica threw her arms around Claudia. "Thank you so much. I know Jasper would've loved to hear you sing."

            "What song should I pick?" Claudia wondered, turning to look at the people around her.

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