I - Lost In The City

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Minhee's P.O.V

Uggh.. I hate this feeling..

"I'm lost.." I said to myself then grab my handphone that is in my pocket.

I tried calling Taerin but I forgot that I don't have load! Were just new to Seoul so I don't really know where to go right now. I have the urge to cry but I keep on holding back my tears. I go inside a convenience store then a staff greeted me with a bow. I didn't have the mood to say hello cheerfully like usual so I just bow and look around the store. There's the soda that I always buy! It looks like a beer so people usually misunderstand what I'm drinking. I walk closer then grab one bottle but a hand grabbed my hand on the same time. I quickly retreat my hands away and look at the owner of the hand.

"Should I say sorry?" He said while I hear a snicker from him. I looked at him in disbelief then glare at him.

He's wearing a mask and a black beanie so I cant really see his face properly. With all black clothes and timberlands. He's wearing all black in this hot weather!? Well, do I have the right to say that.. Look at me, I'm also wearing all black. I ignore him then grab two bottles and find a random snack. I notice him following me and staring at me so I got weirded out. I quickly go straight to the cashier. Please make it quick so I can go away now in this awkward situation!! Right after I go out the store, the guy blocks my way.

"Um.. What do you need?" I said not knowing where to look.

"W-What's your name?" He said, stuttering on the first word..

Did he just stutter!? Is he nervous!? Don't guys like him say 'Hey girl, want to have fun?'(imitates manly voice in mind) Something like that?

"Why do you need to know my name.. Tsk." I said awkwardly.. Now he thinks I'm some kind of cold woman. I don't know what to say.. ㅠ_ㅠ


"Uwaah!!" A child is crying in front of us and these people are just ignoring him.

Even though I'm awkward with kids, I just can't leave this kid alone.. I approach the kid then crouch down to level with his height.

"W-where are your parents?" I asked him then he stopped crying for a second but as soon as he look at my face, he started crying again. Worse than awhile ago! Huuu~ Should I cry as well?

Ohmygat, I'm panicking!! Were causing a commotion here!~ What should I do?? I was going to pat his head..

"It's okay~" The guy said while patting the kid's head. 

He grab his mask and put it inside his pocket revealing his face then also crouch down. He's handsome... I look away because things are getting more awkward.

"What's your name?" He said while smiling at the kid. Was he this kind?

"Ha- *hic* Haneul." The kid said while trying to stop crying.

"Oh! That's a nice name you got." He said trying to cheer up the kid called Haneul.. sky..

"Th-thank you.." The kid said then smile. I smiled also then when he looked at me, he averted his gaze. Do I look that bad?

"Where's your parents, Haneul?" This guy asked him while I just look at them. I cant even do something..

"I got lost so." He said while wiping the tears from his eyes. I decided to stand up and go away.

"Where are you going?" The guy said while holding the hand of the kid then grab my hand. "Go buy him some ice cream." He said then I look at him in disbelief again. Which side of him should I believe in.

"Huh? Me?" I said while pointing at myself then look at the kid that is ready to cry. Tsk.. "알았어.. (Okay...)" I said then the kid's face brighten up.

"What flavor though?" I asked them.

"Chocolate!" The kid said.

"Buy me also, chocolate.." He said then I roll my eyes..

I walk to the convenience store then go to the ice cream section. I should be able to run away from him now but the kid..

"Who is he to order me around like that.. Sure he's attractive.." I sigh then get two chocolate ice cream. I pay for them at the cashier then run to where they are. They are seating on a bench now.

"Hahaha!" The kid laughed while I go near them.

"Here." I said while handing the ice cream to both of them.

"고마워.(Thanks.)" He said being all informal. Were not close though.

"Yeah." I said.

"What will you say to noona?" He said to the kid.

"Thank you noona." Haneul said making me smile a little bit. "Noona is pretty but she looks a little bit scary at first." He whispered to this guy even though I can hear it.

"Pfft.. Hahaha, I think so too." Whatdaheq is I think so too.

"Jungkook hyung, is she your girlfriend?" The kid asked innocently then continue eating his ice cream.

"What!?" I half shouted while looking at this Jungkook guy.

"Yeah. She's my girlfriend." He said then wrap his arm around my shoulder. I quickly shove his arm away.

"Hehe, you look good together." Haneul said. I roll my eyes then see a woman looking so troubled

"Haneul!" The woman said as soon as she saw the kid.

"Eomma!" The kid said running to her and giving her a hug.

"Thank you very much for taking care of my son. We were looking for him everywhere. Thank you so much." The woman said while smiling.

"Ah! No problem." Jungkook guy said. The woman looked at me then smile so I smiled at her also while bowing my head.

"We better get going now." She said then we nod at her.

"Bye, hyung and noona!" Haneul said while waving his hand.

We both wave our hands at him. The atmosphere became awkward so I decided to walk away now.

"Hey." He said so I stopped walking.

"W-what?" I said looking back at him.

"What's your name?" He said while scratching his nape.

"Umm.. Minhee, Park Min Hee." I said. Why did I even forgot my name.

"Ahh, Minhee.." He said to himself. "I'm Jeon Jungkook." He said then I nod my head while mouthing 'ah'.

"Are you free tonight?" He said while smirking.

"Ha!?" I shouted.

What is wrong with this guy!!??


Hope you found that interesting.. Taerin's P.O.V will be on the next's chapter so chekichekit up when I updated it hehehe~

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