The start of our happy ever after

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Georgina walked into the double glass doors of her new school. It was her first day of high school so she was stood by her sister Jess who was already in year 10. Just two years until she left Georgina alone in the hell that was high school. Georgina stood next to her for 10 minutes until the bell for form went. She was told she would be in 7Lab, she hoped that's where she would meet her first friend.
Jess had to leave her now as her form was on the opposite side of the school so she walked alone quickly to avoid getting picked on by the older students. As she was rushing to form she bumped into a year 9. "Fuck." She thought to herself knowing what was coming..
"Sorry, I wasn't looking where as I was going." Said the year 9 with a deep voice, she looked up  to see a tall brown haired boy with a long fringe and deep blue eyes.
"Sorry.." She muttered walking to her form.

"GEORGINA! Are you paying attention!?" Said Miss Byrne knowing she wasn't.
"Sorry, she replied."
Her cheeks turned bright red with embarrassment, she could feel people staring at her.
A year passed, she was in year 8 and a lot had happened, she'd fell out with people met new people and had several best friends, Billy, Demi, Sophie and Ethan were the main ones though and since day 1 they had never stopped hearing about Tayler Wright. That was the name of the tall, deep voices, blue eyed guy she bumped into on the first day. She knew everything about him, including the name of his girlfriend.. Or should she say ex. They broke up less than 3 hours ago and she knew she had to talk to him before the next girlfriend came along. She went home from school that Friday, changed into a white tank top and light pink overalls and sat on her bed with her phone..
G - Hey..
T - Hi, who are you?
G -  Georgina, I'm in year 8, we go to the same school...
T - ohhhh your the one who has a crush on me :)
Georgina's face went bright red, how did he know?
G- how did you know that!?!?
T- Pretty much everyone knows, your not very good at keeping secrets haha
G - wow 😂
*Tayler has changed your nickname too 'Crush 😘'*
Georgina squealed as the words appeared on the screen.. After a year and half it was actually happening, they were talking!

My high school happy every afterWhere stories live. Discover now