Day 1

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I hop off the bus, exhausted and tired. I start to walk home with my brother.
"How was your day?" I asked.
"It was interesting, my friend got his 5th girlfriend and my other friend is stalking them." He says, chuckling.
I smile, and we continue to walk home.
When we get home, I see my mom on her way to get my little sister and she says hello to us before running off. I then put my large, overstuffed, purple backpack down and enter my garage. I look for my bike and when I find it, I rush over to it. I notice the tires are flat, so I search for the bike pump.
'You're worthless.'
I shudder as the thought passes through my mind and start to pump up the tire.
'You're nothing.'
I feel shivers run through my spine as I quickly unplug, and put the pump away. I hop on my bike and ride off. I pedaled farther and farther away from my house, heading to the creek by my house.
'You're a failure.'
I pedaled faster, trying to relieve the pain in my heart at those words.
'You're just a nuicence.'
I pedaled faster, cringing at the painful thought.
'You're a burden.'
I tremble, feeling my eyes tear up.
'You're just a problem.'
I hear myself whimpering in pain.
'You're just a pain.'
I feel a deep ache in my heart.
'You're a waste of time.'
I feel empty and worthless.
'You're a pest.'
I felt alone and sorrow.
'You're hated.'
I felt the tears coming.
'You're nothing.'
I felt a drop trickling down my cheek.
'You're worthless.'
"I am worthless." I whisper.
"I am worthless. I am a failure. I am nothing. I am a burden. I am a waste. I am a problem. I am a nuicence. I am a pest. I am worthless." I mumble, tears dripping down my cheeks.
"I am worthless."

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