10. Seven Questions

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Chapter 10: Seven Questions

Pie Mindara Manaying

"Pie, wake up. We're here," I heard Kimhan called me twice. "You know, I'm not going to carry you inside," She added, causing my eyes to snap open, irritated. Did I ever ask her to carry me? Never! Instead of arguing about anything, I removed the seat belt and lazily stretched out. It has been a long journey I could tell. We left the city before noon and it seemed like dusk was about to greet us soon. The sun was getting ready to bid its temporary goodbye from the western sky. Nightfall was coming in an hour or two.

"Tired?" Kimhan asked and I managed a small nod. I was so beat even though Kimhan was the one who did the driving all the way here. I spent the long hour journey by sleeping, awaked for a few minutes, eating and nodded off again.

"Well you can continue to rest later," She smiled, looking exhausted herself. Then, as if there was something bizarre I had never seen in somebody else's eyes, I found myself gazing right into the two pairs of beautiful orbs as if I have been put under a spell. Her brown iris was captivating yet they held a mysterious look which screamed for discovery. They didn't just screamed out for my attention, didn't they?

"Can we get inside now?" I ran my gaze away from her before she noticed the effect she had on me. I hated the fact that Kimhan's gaze never failed to charm me. Should I tell that I was actually loved the look in her eyes? It was ridiculous.

"Sure. Why don't you take these keys while I get your stuffs from the trunk?" Kimhan handed me the keys which I supposed should be used to unlock the door of the house.


I stood in awe of the spectacular view right before my very eyes. It wasn't the house that enchanted me but it was the surrounding itself. A few yards away from where I was standing was a huge lake appeared as if by magic; the visage of the lake was veneer – clear and tranquil, flanked by avenues of trees. Cavern quiet, I felt peace seeping through my weary form. It was nearly impossible to admit it but I instantly fell in love with this state of tranquillity.

"I can tour you around tomorrow," Kimhan said, approaching me with a luggage and a few other stuffs of mine in her hands. We held our gazes once and I knew it wasn't necessary for me to respond to her at all time. Of all excuses I could make, I didn't want her to know that I was enchanted to be here. To be completely honest, I never knew that this kind of place exist in my own homeland. I hated to admit it but I began to fall in love with the beauty of the land which practically owned by Kimhan Burnaphan. Surprised, surprised, I liked the place.

"Are you going to unlock the door, Pie?" Kimhan flashed a faint smile while patiently waiting for my progress. Shush, how could I forget that? I had the keys and Kimhan was carrying a lot of things in her hands.

"Okay," I walked hastily to the main entrance of the house.

The tall grey door leaf wasn't as heavy as I thought at the very moment I pushed it open. Holding it still, I let Kimhan entered the house first and trailed after her the second later. Again, I was not expecting the view I had in front of my very eyes. At first, I thought I would see white cloths spread all over the furniture, protecting them from the nasty dusts of the air. However, everything was opposing my assumption. The house looked fine as if it was inhabited by someone before us. The floor was clean and everything was neatly arranged at their places. Then, it struck me that Kimhan had returned to this place a few days ago just to make sure the house was good for me to stay. She did everything just for me.

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