22. Reunited

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Chapter 21: Reunited

Mindara Manaying

Kimhan was back to her daily routine as a farmer while I had a few days left before the one month leave was over. Ever since our return here, Kimhan was always occupied with her work. She would go out after the dawn and somehow she only come back in the evening. I never really had any idea of what she's doing here and there but one thing that I'm certain of, she should be home by night.

My life was a little lonely while she was gone. Never had I imagined myself being a housewife or whatever you called it but I killed my time by doing the house chore. Done with that, I spent my time reading books or watching the movies I had downloaded. I even found my favourite spot of the house. It was one by the window where I could see the entire land ahead me. I enjoyed watching the enchanting scenery here; one which I could never have if I were at the city.

The afternoon was warm and the sun was streaking through the trees overhead previously. However now, the whole sky was engulfed by black swirling clouds and the wind increased in intensity. The trees bent precariously to one side as though they were going to fall over or get blown away like feathers. It reminded me of the night our accident. Somehow I was traumatized. My eyes searched through the lawn, trying to locate if Kimhan had return. To my frustration, there was no sign of her presence; just not yet. A heavy downpour was about to fall yet she was not even here.

The strong wind caused each and every window of the house to shut on its own. I needed to lock them before they bang here and there with loud noises. Out of nowhere, the doorbell rang repeatedly while I was busy sorting out the house before it turned into a mess. The continuous noise irritated me, knowing that Kimhan might forget to bring her own key.

"For God's sake Kimhan, how old are you that you even forgot everything?" I yelled from a far, did not care whether she heard me or what. We made it clear that it was not my duty to welcome her home and what not. Every one of us had the key. You enter own your own and do not forget to lock it back.

I hastened my steps and reached out to the door knob. I did not snap it open yet I let it unlocked there. I waited for the figure to come in but to my annoyance, not even a shadow showed up seconds later.

"Don't kid around Kimhan. It's not funny!" I pulled the door wide open and to my surprise, it was not Kimhan who was standing at the door. My eyes fell on an unfamiliar figure of a woman. She had a slender body with pale skin. Half of her face was covered by her wet hair and I learned that she was actually drenched to her skin. Judging from the look, she might have walked in the rain before she arrived here. Some part of this region might have rained beforehand.

I had no idea of how long I have been staring at her but it freaked me out when I figured out that she was looking at me in a very strange way. She must have caught my suspicious glance at her. Chills ran down my spine and petrified me for a moment. How I wished I did not open the door earlier.

"H-how can I help you?" I stammered. I took a quick inspection all over her appearance. She had a hand-carry luggage by her foot, nothing harmful yet suspicious. A little to no threat at all, she actually looked frightened and exhausted.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but I'm looking for Kimhan." She said. My mouth gaped for a fleeting moment but nothing really came out. I had thousands of thoughts inside my head, wishing that I could find the correct sense of her sudden presence here. Who's this woman? And why she was looking for Kimhan when that one annoying creature was not even at home?

I was hesitated to let a stranger to come inside but then the rain suddenly poured down in sheets. We both flinched when a streak of lightning flashed across the sky followed by claps of deafening thunder.

"Come inside." I took the risk to welcome her into the house. She did not move further inside like I did. I glanced over my shoulder to have a look when I realised she was soaked and might wet the entire house.

"I'll come back with a dry towel. Please make yourself comfortable." She nodded weakly upon hearing me.

Soon enough, I returned with a dry towel and clothes. "Here, change to this so that you won't catch a cold." She was taller than me and she might not be able to fit my clothes. I found the alternative to that though; it's Kimhan's clothes.

"Thank you." She said and just like that she walked to the bathroom's direction. I did not even realise it at first but then I was dumbfounded by her spontaneous act. How did she know that there was a bathroom over there? I managed to text Kimhan to ask about her whereabouts. Frustrated as it has always been, I figured out that her phone was dead.

The stranger came back to the living room sooner than I thought. She took her seat across me and we were seated there in the most awkward situation ever. I watched she dried her hair and noticed that she was shivering.

"Would you like to have some hot drink?" It came out from my mouth spontaneously.

She froze for a second before she looked at me. It was the very first time that I could see her face clearly. She's beautiful but...

"Yes, please." She nodded quickly upon realising that I was staring at her face long enough that it made her uncomfortable.

I rose to my feet immediately, wishing I had not done that staring thing. It felt like I had rudely invaded to one's privacy. Kimhan should be here by now. How could I entertain someone I did not know?


We had unlocked the new achievement of the day; ten minutes of dead silence between us. I had the urge to start a conversation but she did not seem to engage much. It seemed like she did not prefer much of talking and until this moment, I still have not gotten her name yet.

"I'm sorry for my sudden presence." Oh now she spoke. "I didn't know that Kim is living here with somebody else." That statement was actually a trap; a good way to start and learned everything about my existence here just by a initiating a single controversial statement.

Just when I was about to answer her, Kimhan's voice echoed from a distant.

"Pie...did you play in the rain? The floor is wet and you left it just like this?" Our heads snapped to the direction of the voice, seeing Kimhan babbling like a cranky grandma. I directed back my eyes to the stranger and she was doing the same. She threw me an apologizing look. I could say that I forgot to handle the wet floor.

Soon enough, Kimhan made her way to where we were waiting. Her eyes found me first and then switched to the stranger across me. The reaction I saw before me was one I could not apprehend; Kimhan frowned and her lips quivered as if she was suppressing an excessive emotion. She managed her step slowly towards the stranger and I watched that stranger rose to her feet before she managed her steps too. As if it was a movie, both of them stared into each other's eyes and in a split second later they were both entangled in a long hug. My jaw dropped at the sight. Who the hell is this stranger?

"Yam..." I heard Kimhan saying and I guessed my question was answered. Then without my intention, I was too rose up to my feet in the most startle way. Kimhan came back to her sense when she realised what had happened earlier. She released that stranger whom she called Yam and turned around to look at me.

"Pie..." She called me but I did not wait that long. Before I knew it, I stormed away from the living room and headed to my room.

I had just welcomed her long lost girlfriend to the house and the lovers were reunited.

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