Finale. She's The Bridegroom

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Finale: She's The Bridegroom

Mindara Manaying

"Omm, please reschedule all appointments and meeting for today to next week. I'm taking day off." My secretary nodded but her eyes were all fixated on Kimhan as if she has never seen such human figure in her entire life. The secretary was the one who managed to find us that morning. According to her, she had a strange instinct about me because she couldn't reach me via phone call last evening.

"Done staring?" I pluck a finger right in front of her face. Omm was taken back to reality.

"You know each other?" She queried out of blue.


"You know Ms. Kimhan? I mean you're close or something?" It just sounded odd there.

"Yeah...What's up?" Omm was conflicted when she noticed that I began to do my signature gesture.

"Oh nothing. By the way Ms. Pie, your lipstick gets pretty messed up there. Go fix your look before you leave the building." Omm said and stifled a smile.

I looked at Kimhan whose face has heated up, flushing red. How could I be that careless?

Why you didn't tell me?! I scolded her with a look.


"Come in," Kimhan trailed after me once I invited her into the house. The entire scenery of my apartment must have mesmerized her because her eyes just couldn't stop wandering around, taking a grasp of how the place looked like.

"It's comfy here." She complimented, flashing her radiant smile at me.

I voluntarily return the smile as if I was enchanted by hers. "You're the first guest I've ever invited here."

"Wow should I say that I'm honoured." She played along and I threw her a look.

"Come here, let's finish what's undone." I beckoned to her.

"Are you serious?" It caught her off guard instantly. I saw she gulped nervously, frantic at the thought of what this signal would end up to.

"Aha, gotcha! I'm kidding. Let's shower and go out for breakfast. I'm starving." Kimhan's tensed shoulders eased a little and I heard her let out a soft sigh of relief.

I made my way to the bedroom, leaving the startled one behind. "Kimhan, you coming?" I called from the inside.

"What?" It puzzled her.

"I thought we're going to shower together?"

"You're such a tease!"


"Why'd you keep staring at me? My lipstick smeared again is it?"

"No, it's not. I just miss you." She paused momentarily. "You're heavenly gorgeous. It's like you never aged a bit." She added the compliment.

"Did you do this to other girls as well?" I played offended.

Kimhan laughed, shaking her head in response. "Pie, do you mind if I ask you to come back to me? Be with me, again?" It was straight to the point, out of the blue.

Honestly I was not prepared even though I have expected such question would come out from her mouth sooner or later. Seeing my startled state, Kimhan continued, "I have been thinking a lot for the past years we spent apart. We don't need legal marriage to prove our kind of love, Pie. Why do we need to have children to ensure we stay together when in reality, married couples with children still left and being selfish? Why we need to do that just for us to look like a normal family in the eyes of the society? I don't want you to feel that you're constricted and burdened with the marriage term. I just want you to be yourself and live just the way you wanted it to be. I don't mind spending my entire life to convince you that I love you with all my heart, Pie. I'll try my best to make it work for us. That's more than enough for me."

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