The "Fallen Angel" is a story that is completely inside of my head, so it's original, so I am grateful if no one copy it. You can take it as an inspiration, but then please let me know so I can write your story on my book as I expect you to do the s...
A firefighter comes to me with a phone inside of a plastic bag
- excuse me miss - said the man
-are you the one who's calling to this phone?
-why is my mother's phone in a plastic bag?!
-Emma lets go -Daniel said pulling me
-NO! - I said in tears - please... Tell me
-... As you say... This is your mother's phone... And... There was a woman inside the building, she was with this phone in her hands...lucky it still works, that explains the phone call But...
-no... Don't tell me... She... - I placed my hands on my chest trying to calm down my heart
- she was burned alive...
I placed my hands and looked at the sky... Wondering how could this be possible...
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I started to walk in circles and crying. I can't believe I have lost my mother... It wasn't bad enough losing my father?! Did I really had to lose my mother as well?! Why?! What have I ever done to deserve this?! What am I going to do now?! I'm alone! I have nobody! Only my best friend is here with me but he is a wolf! How is that going to help me?!
-I'm sorry for your loss... - said the fireman while hands me the phone in the plastic bag and leaves us
Daniel hugs and pets my head while I'm crying on his chest.
-come on... We should leave... This won't make any good now...
-I know but... Then what does? Where am I supposed to live now?! What am I gonna do?! And why did this had to happen?! Why?!
-look, I Know it's hard. And no, I'm not going to say I understand because is not my case BUT I'll try to answer your questions if you go with me take a walk and especially to wash your beautiful face ok? Now try to calm down and let's get out of here...
-you're right... There's nothing here for me anyway... - I said as I walked beside him hugging his arm
Richard... I need you... Where are you?
This is the end?
Will this be her end? And where exactly are they going to? Did you thought I was going to end the story? I did... I fooled myself when I read this XD Anyway so... Another cliffhanger... This is becoming a routine now XD I love you all XD