My dream...

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I woke up this morning next to my mother because we were having both nightmares.
We just don't know what to do anymore... It has passed 2 days and we're still awkward, and each day passes gets worse...

Well, at least I have Richard's permission to go to the woods whenever I feel down... But I had to ring a bell first.

"For your safety," he said

So I finished doing my business and I left to the woods with a bell on my left hand.

Before I could swing the bell, Richard appeared in front of me.

-hello Emma

-hi ...

- come on, tell me what nightmare you had... -he said walking away

-how do you know I had a bad dream?

-it's easy to see, follow me

I followed him to the woods and we ended up on a cliff.
The view was beautiful.
And just like the woods, this was relaxing.

-go on -sits next to me- tell me what you had dreamed child



-hmm -I looked away and crossing my arms

-see? You are acting like a child

I sighed and told him my dream...

my dream was different from the normal one that I used to have...

It was me...

Coming back home after school all happy because I got a great mark on that day...

And suddenly, firefighters were surrounding my house...

So I ran there...

My house was full of flames...

And we could hear screaming from inside...

-yet, I don't know who was screaming...

-I see... -Richard said - well, it's just a dream! It won't come to reality child.

-I hope so... My dreams are strange as hell

-Hell... And your dreams... Heaven... -he said looking down while talking to himself.

-what are you saying? - I asked confused

-N-nothing! Forget it... -then he licks my cheek and his tail hugs me - just don't think about it okay?


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