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A Strategic Marriage

Aishah’s(r.a) marriage to the Prophet (peace be upon him) represents another cultural norm of her time – marriages which solidified family, tribal or political ties. Aishah’s(r.a) father, Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, was an early follower of Islam, close personal friend of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and a prominent figure in Makkah. Marriage to Aisha allowed the Prophet (peace be upon him) and Abu Bakr to establish a public alliance, while the young bride received honored status as wife of the Prophet (peace be upon him).And Aishah (r.a ) was fortunate to be trained under the care of the greatest teacher of mankind, Prophet Muhammed ( sal ). This training made her one of the most notable Muslim ladies in Islamic history.

The Prophet’s Favorite Wife

Although the marriage was strategic, historical accounts report genuine affection between the two, and Aisha became known as the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) favorite wife.Aishah (r.a ) was totally devoted to the Prophet Muhammed ( sal ), her husband, and he loved her dearly.Aishah ( r.a ) loved and enjoyed serving her husband. She used to do the household work, including grinding flour and baking bread. She would make the beds and do the family’s washing. She always kept ready for the Prophet’s ( sal ) ablutions before prayer. She liked what the Prophet ( Sal ) liked and disliked what he disliked. If Aishah ( r.a ) loved anyone more than her husband Muhammad ( sal ) , it was Almighty Allah. This was the teaching of the Prophet ( sal ).

The Prophet (sal ) did not love her only for her physical beauty but also for her intelligence, sound judgment and personality. The prophet ( sal ) fell ill in 11 AH and Aishah ( r.a ) nursed him with all the love and care of a devoted wife. It was in her lap that he rested his head when he died, and under the floor of her house that he was buried. The Prophet's Masjid (Masjid Nabawi) now stands on that site inMadina,Saudi Arabia.

Aishah’s Preference:

           Aishah ( r.a ) was also present at her father’s death bed. Abu bakr asked her how many pieces of cloth were used to bury the Prophet ( sal ) and she told him three. He asked his daughter to wrap him also in three sheets of burial.

            Aishah (r.a) saved the place beside her father’s grave for her own burial but, after the injury which was to prove fatal, ‘Umar the second Khalifah of Islam, sent his son Abdullah to Aishah(r.a) to ask permission for him to be buried beside Abu Bakr. She agreed to Umar’s wishing saying, “Today I prefer Umar to myself.” Which shows how great she was?

Scholar and Witness to Islamic History

Aishah was reported to have been very beautiful, but it is her piety, intelligence and remarkable memory that make her a notable figure in Islamic history. She absorbed vast religious knowledge from the Prophet (peace be upon him) – including memorizing the entire Qur'an – and was witness to much of the early history of Islam. She helped preserve the details of those events, as well as the details of the private and public life of Muhammad (peace be upon him), by narrating more than two thousand hadith.

               Aishah was only 18 when the Prophet (peace be upon him) passed away, but she was already regarded a religious scholar. Over the next four decades, until her own death, Muslims consulted Aishah for her extensive understanding of Qur'an, Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh), Islamic teachings and traditions (Sunnah). She helped educate Islamic scholars and took custody of children – some orphans – to raise then in Islam

The Battle of the Camel

The first violent division among Muslims occurred when the third caliph, Uthman, was killed and some suspected that Ali, his successor, conspired in the murder. The battle which ensued, and which Ali won, became known as theBattleof the Camel because Aisha gave directives from a howdah on the back of a camel.

Aishah- a role model for women

         Aishah(r.a) always stood for the truth. She taught Islam to many people. She was an authority on many matters of Islamic Law, especially those concerning women.

          Her life shows to what height a Muslim women can rise. Before Islam , women had a low status in society ; Islam gave them a very important position.

          Islam wants to see a woman develop her talents and contribute to society as a mother and a wife and to remain loyal and chaste. Muslim women can rise to prominence with Islam . Allah the Creator has fixed their rights and duties according to their nature and biological make-up.

          Aishah’s life is an example for young Muslim girls, who should try to follow her devotion and love for her husband and her special aptitude for knowledge and learning.

Aisha Remembered

Aisha passed away in 58AH at the age of 67 on 17 Ramadhan. Her scholarly contributions to Islam, as well as her pious example, have earned her special status among the “Mothers of the Believers,” a term of honor given to all the wives of the Prophet (peace be upon him).

* Muslims invoke Allah's blessings on the Prophet Muhammad whenever his name is mentioned

Wasalaam Yaa Uh"thi...

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