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Welcome to Royce News I'm Mari and I'm here to give you are latest scoop on Royce books for our first news chapter I'm gonna tell you about lucky by my friend karma.

Well for starters I cannot truly rate the book cause I'm not done but I got a special request to make it first so why not.

First it is really an achievement to get a Royce award from @ZiaDavis 's Royce Award. You only get one if your book reaches up to standard and gets lots of votes for it so that alone should tell you that it's a quality book. But if your not impressed maybe her chapters that are over a hundred I would have been lucky if I made it over 20. This book deserves a thumbs up and she deserves a thumbs up.

But one thing that will catch you is the plot not gonna say much cause i ain't no spoiler but it is very good so go check it out please. This is Royce News with Mari on the QT Pie Nation News™ .

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