Another backup chapter WOAH

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Really pretty view ^ :)

I'm not going vacationing or anything like that really soon (in fact I'm writing this while I'm camping because I'm bored and I have no internet connection) but I just want to write a bunch of backup chapters so I don't have to write so much

But then it gives be nothing to write about.

I know what would be a great idea for fanfiction writing

Before you even publish the story, try to make a few chapters. Then once you do publish the first chapter, you have more chapters to publish and your readers don't have to wait a million years until the next cheater is up because you've already got some. And don't publish them all at once, your readers can wait. Great idea, huh? That's just my strategy. You can use it. See if it works for you. I'm doing it at the moment, with my new stories (yes I have several of them I have at least three in mind right now)

Now you have a brilliant idea 

I'm almost at 200 words already I've wrote atleast 600 words in the past hour dang

Cheese is kinda neat a tasty yellow-



Suddenly throwing randomness at u in the form of a bookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora