CARL POPPA (Maratón 5/5)

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¿Qué parte de CARL POPPA es tu favorita?

Aries: Found my way down a hall without a light.

Leo: I guess nothing rhymes with that, except, maybe taco-lips.

Sagitario: I can barely remember pre-apocalypse.

Tauro: And why you always talk about the cool kids who take archery.

Virgo: They keep walking, walking my way.

Capricornio: Little cookie man never waved to me, so he got knocked out.

Géminis: La jiggy jar jar doo, dur dur dur dee dur.

Libra: I'm coming at you like 1, 2, walkers in the back of the club.

Acuario: Hama Lama, sima lama, Hama lama, someone had to cut my baby sister out my mama.

Cáncer: You'll get a funeral if you don't wise up and Call me CARL POPPA.

Escorpio: I'm guessing it's a club were everyone dies.

Piscis: What we got is bones, bones, bones, piles of bones, bones, bones, bones, bones.


Perdón si hay faltas de ortografía gggg ahr
Último cap 😭😭😭😭, no se preocupe. Va a haber más (obviamente). Las/os quiero.

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