Not your typical vacation? chap--3

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"I can't believe we're here!" Casy squealed, jumping out of the car and rushing towards the front of the hotel.

It was bigger than the picture on the website and finding it had been a bitch and a half but somehow, despite all odds, we'd made it .

I trailed after her, hoisting my purse onto my shoulder. The lobby was nice, but then again, I supposed all lobby's were fairly nice to attract customers. Casy was already at the front desk, barely containing herself as she bubbled to the man who was trying to get her key for her. He seemed flustered, most people were when they first met her. She was strong and outgoing and generally didn't understand why people would waste their time being shy and introverted.

I walked up beside her in time to hear the man wish her a happy stay and then duck into a back room. Casy grinned, handing me a key to the room and leading the way up to the elevators. We were on the 12th floor of the gigantic building, staying in room 906.

The room itself was niceand big, with two king sized beds , a humongus kitchenand two orange bathrooms.. The idea of bringing all our bags up wasn't exceptionally appealing so I collapsed on the couch, yawning and stretching.

"What are you doing?" Casy asked in disbelief as she walked out from inspecting the bathroom's.

"Sitting." I replied, raising an eyebrow in confusion

"Why?" she asked, clearly still upset

"Because I'm...tired?"

"But it's barely 10 o'clock." she replied, grabbing my hand and hoisting me off the couch

"Yeah, so? What the hell are we going to go in the middle of the night?" I asked, dragging my feet

"Sky...this is Florida. We're on a strip. Every place here stays open until all hours of the night." she replied, dragging me right out the door we'd just come through."come lets get dressed.

'but the suitcases are in the car'.Casy had a grin that said something like.thats-not going-to-stop-me.

she grrabed her duffel bag and gave me a black strapless dress.i groaned,but went in the bathroom and put it on.i looked at my self in the mirror,the dress looked good on me it hugged my sexily curves,that girls would kill for,i combed my red hair,that went a little past my shoulders,my high cheek bones standing out more,because of the blush,i put on some black charocal eye-shadow.and my black heels."daumz,Biotch"i said smilling to myself. I headed my way to the living room to see Casy fully dressed her blond hair below the torso,her mid-thigh dress looking very provocative,also hugging her curves,with blue heels.excisivley sexy.

"take a picture,It'll last longer" Casy said with a goofy pose.

"Nah,you might break it" i said with a grin.

"whatev's,are you ready" she said with a fake hurt face,

"dont i look ready"giving her a little twirl.

"uh huh,hurry "

I groaned, shuffling after her as she led the way to the elevator. I wasn't sure where we were headed off to, but I hoped that there would be loud music and booze. Of course, I wasn't 21 yet, but Casy,I both had superb (and expensive) fake IDs that had yet to fail us.

"Where are we even going, i doubt you now were any clubs are here?" I asked, huffing as we rode down the elevator

"Well think again skooter, I saw this bar on the way in that looked like fun. Plus, it's only a few blocks away so we can walk!" she replied, grinning widely

We walked down the beach, chatting about this and that until we got to a bar that butted right against the sand. She led the way, smiling widely at anyone who happened to meet her gaze, and sitting down at one of the bar stools. I sat beside her, ordering a whiskey sour and glancing around the bar.

"Skylar Montellano?"

I choked slightly on my drink, glancing back at a small,ugly ,balding man. The whole point of a vacation is to get away from the people who know you, relax a little. However, I couldn't think of any place I'd ever seen the man before.

"Can I help you?" I said , turning to face him fully.uglier than i assumed.going to have nightmares.

"Miss. Montellano, we're a part of a secret operation, we'd appreciate your help...." he began as I frowned

"I didn't join the military for a reason boys." I replied, noticing two other teens standing behind him

"We aren't a part of the United States military miss,Montellano. We're a worldwide organization in charge of keeping humanity safe..." he began again

"Humanity safe? Sounds like war mongering to me..." I replied, turning away

"Not when it's humans against...them." he replied harshley i might add.

"Them? What, like aliens?" I asked, chuckling.

"Not aliens , vampires." he replied, quiet seriously

"You're kidding right?" I asked, turning to face him again, "Why is everyone so bent on vampires lately?"

Casy was suddenly interested in the conversation, swiveling in her chair so she could watch.

I continued to drink my whiskey sour, hoping they would get the hint and leave me alone.

"Vampires are a serious problem that need..."

"Look I'm really not interested." I replied, trying to send them off

"As we understand, you've got a detailed history with vampires." he added

I paused, taking a deep breath and turning to face them with a glare. Casy seemed just as surprised and immediately turned back to her drink, forcing herself to ignore the men.

"Beg your pardon?" I asked, through gritted teeth

"Your parents were killed by a vampire." he replied, clearly not intimidated

"My parents were killed by a psycho. He was caught, trield and killed. Vampires had nothing to do with it." I hissed

"I wouldn't be so sure of that Miss. Motellano. We've been reviewing the files..."

I was done. I pushed away from the bar nudging him out of the way and storming out the front door. He didn't follow and I was glad. I didn't need to get into a bar fight on my first day down here.

Casy quickly followed after, fighting to keep up with my hurried pace.

"What...a...bunch..of...assholes." she panted, falling in line with me and trying to spark a better mood

"Yeah." I mumbled, crossing my arms and hunching slightly as the wind picked up

"Hey...what d'you think they're doing?"

I glanced over, pausing to watch a crowd of two or three guys surround someone on the ground. There was a slight twinge in my chest, the overwhelming need to protect washing over me. Ever since my parents had died, I'd felt the need to protect anyone else from the danger.

I'd gone so far as to take extensive self defense classes and was happy to say that I could take care of myself.

I walked across the street, marching up to the men and standing with my hands on my hips as they slowly turned around to face me. I kicked the first man in the face, watching as he spit blood and collapsed backwards on the pavement. The other two men looked at me and then at Casy who had caught up and was standing behind me with a menacing stare. They grabbed their friend, dragging him away from the scene.

I knelt down beside the man, trying to see if he was seriously hurt. His face was pale,but gorgeous and as he struggled against the chains that bound him. I immediately unhooked them, pulling the chains away and noticing a fresh line of blood where they'd touched him.

He didn't say anything, simply taking a deep, gasping breath as I threw the chains away from me. He slowly sat up, rubbing his arms. I turned back to Casy, about to tell her to call for an ambulance, but when I turned back to the man he was gone, jogging into the shadows.

"You're welcome! Jerk!" I yelled after him, standing up and kicking the chain away

Casy touched my shoulder, pulling me back. I sighed, falling in line beside her as we walked down the street towards our hotel.

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