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I sighed impatiently as my head maid, Annalise, braided my dark, auburn tinted locks into a crown on my head. Through my mirror, I saw her weave a string of sky blue topazes into the braid; the gem's color bright against my hair and creating the overall effect of a crown, although I was to wear a tiara. I've always thought that it was a waste of time, getting all dressed up for a ball, or some other royally inclined event when I could have been doing anything, but it was not to be helped as I had been born into this life.

"Princess Kerttu, please stay still for just a few more moments. I shan't be long, and your mother will be disappointed if you aren't ready for Prince Petteri's ball." Annalise said in her gentle but assertive way.

"Yes, yes." I answered, waiting for her to deem my hair and makeup ready for wardrobe and send me to Aurelie and Margot for the task of dressing me. As she finished conducting her last touches, I got up from my perch on the cushioned bench and walked to my immense closet- courtesy of my mother, Her Majesty Queen Eadlyn Helena Margarete Schreave- Koskinen of Illea. After about an hour of my maids comparing the hues of different fabrics against my pale complexion and draping various pieces of jewelry across my body, I was finally reckoned as ready.

I stepped out of my closet and walked to my full length mirror; staring at my clear blue eyes, exactly like my father's, my dark auburn- brown waves, coiled up on my head and my pale skin, covered in a lace gown that matched the shade of my irises. The close-fitting sky blue lace covered my arms, slimming into an empire waist and then jutting out into a full circle skirt that came to an end mid-calf in the front and lengthened in the back; trailing on the marble floor. I couldn't deny that I looked lovely, all the while not losing myself.

I turned around to face my maids, wanting to see what they thought of me. Annalise sighed, wisps of her honey blonde hair framing her soft features as her cobalt blue eyes shone. A few of Aurelie's loose crimson curls encircled her face and her luminous leaf- green eyes lit up as she grinned while Margot simply smiled, her dark eyes twinkling. I reached out for their hands, to thank them for finishing the seemingly endless task of dressing me before a sudden knock on the double-doors of my suite sounded. Margot hastened to answer, somehow looking as graceful and put-together as ever as she opened the door.

"Kerttu, are you ready? And do you know where your siblings are?" I heard, just as my mother glided in her queenly way into the room. Her hair was styled in a braided spiral under her majestic crown, strands of dark brown framing her slightly tanned features. She looked ever so regal in her demure silk, silver- gray gown that was reminiscent of her eyes.

"Yes, Mom, I'm ready, but I don't exactly know where Anneli and Petteri are." I responded, rolling my eyes playfully as I walked up to her once my maids left the room. My little sister, Anneli, was a little 3 year old sweetheart, not unlike the stories that my maternal grandmother had of my Great- Aunt May. Paired with her dark brown hair, pale skin and her blue- grey eyes, many remark that she looks a lot like me. My brother, Petteri, was pretty much a 14 year old, dark-haired, hazel-eyed replica of my Uncle Osten. The ball was in Petteri's honor as well, as he was turning 15 today. Mom sighed, probably at the thought of my siblings, then surveyed me for a moment, smiling in satisfaction when she met my eyes.

"You look absolutely beautiful, my dear." She said, carefully cupping my cheek and giving me a ghost kiss on my forehead.

"So do you." I grinned, happy that she found no fault in my ensemble.

"Thank you, Kerttu dear." She brought her hands to mine, squeezing them lightly and letting go. I turned to look at the grandfather clock next to my bookshelf, reading 7:40 PM.

"Mom, it's time." I gently said, smiling.

"I guess so. It's all in a day's work." She gave a small smile, sighing softly. I nodded, following her out of my suite as she led me out into the hall, colliding with my little sister and Dad- also known as His Highness, Prince Consort Eikko Koskinen of Illea.

"Oh!" Dad exclaimed, catching Mom by her silken shoulders. His blue eyes widened. She laughed as she fell into him, the anxiety of the day's work seemingly pouring out in that one burst of laughter. Anneli was beside them, looking up at our parents as she bubbled in fits of giggles. Dad kissed Mom's forehead and wrapped an arm around her and for a moment, they were just Mom and Dad, not royalty; but of course in one split second, that moment subsided.

"Your Majesty!" A butler exclaimed, bowing quickly to Mom. Dad gently let go of her as she smoothed out invisible wrinkles on her impeccable gown.

"Yes?" She asked.

"It is time for your entrance, my queen." He swiftly said. Mom nodded.

"Thank you." She answered curtly, dismissing him. She turned to us, motioning us to accompany her. I lifted Anneli, granting her a quick kiss on her cheek as she grinned. We followed Mom through the halls and to the resplendent double-doors that led to the Grand Ballroom. I transferred my sister over to Dad while the three of them situated themselves at the doors, just as we'd practiced before, while I waited behind them for my singular entrance. It was a good thing that Petteri wasn't supposed to make his entrance until a little bit later in the evening, and as he was almost late to everything. Just before they walked through the doors, up to the balcony and then down the curving stairwell into the bright luster of the ballroom; I whispered an 'I love you,' into their ears and stepped back to resume the position for my own entrance.

"And here comes, Her Majesty, Queen Eadlyn Koskinen, her husband, His Highness Prince Consort Eikko Koskinen and Her Highness Princess Anneli Koskinen of Illea." The announcer boomed. The double doors closed as my parents made what I knew to be their descent to the ballroom floor. I heard the nobility, royalty and subjects alike applaud for my parents. A few minutes later,  the announcer gestured me to come forward, I moved to what was my parent's original stance.

I smoothed myself out, readying myself for what was to come, and took a deep breath as the doors opened, walking slowly with poise out onto the elaborate balcony while mustering all the elegance and grace that was inside of me into this one moment.

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