5.) Stormy Weather Round Two

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The next day, I get to school later than I usually do. Yesterday's training, as I said, made me incredibly sore, so it hurts to move. I awkwardly walk, cringing in pain as I go up the stairs to my seat. I slowly take a seat.

"Mirabelle, are you okay?" Nathan asks. "You look like you're in a lot of pain."

"Yeah, just really sore from training yesterday," I say. "I should be better in a few hours. My pain tends to last for a few hours then disappears."

"Well that's good."

"Yeah." We begin the lesson for today. She tells us to turn to a certain page in our textbooks before I remember something. "Crap. I forgot I have a photo shoot after school!"

"Mirabelle," Bustier says firmly. "Please don't shout in class. It's nice to know that you have a photo shoot after school, but it's not important with what I'm discussing."

I lower my head. "Sorry, madame..."

She returns to teaching as I doze off. The many class periods go by and eventually it's the end of the school day.

"See you tomorrow, Mirabelle, good luck on your photo shoot," Nathan says, gathering his materials since the bell just rang.

"You too, and thanks!" I reply, packing my stuff in my backpack.

We wave each other goodbye, and I'm left in the classroom, stuffing the last few papers in my bag. I hear footsteps coming towards me and a shadow soon looms over me.

"Hey, Mirabelle."

I turn to look at the owner of the voice to see Adrien. My thoughts immediately turn to last night, and I quickly divert my gaze from him to my backpack to hide my flushed cheeks. "H-hi, is there something you n-need?"

"Did your parents not tell you?" he asks.

"Tell me what?"

"That the photo shoot you have today is going to be with me."

My head spins towards him so fast you could hear the whoosh. "W-what?! I wasn't told of that!"

He chuckles. "Yeah and I'm riding with you to our shoot."

"Oh, g-great..." I murmur. "Well, walk with me to my locker. I gotta g-grab and deposit a few things."

He smiles. "Sure. I actually do too," he admits and we leave the classroom together to the locker room. We gather whatever we need and meet at the door to the locker room.

"I can't believe they didn't tell me I'd be modeling with you," I grumble, knowing he could hear me as we walk to the car parked out front.

"It was apparently a last minute thing," he says. "I got a text during lunch."

"H-hold on, let me grab my phone," I say and go to my bag. Flamme hands me my phone, and I check my messages. "I didn't get one."

"That's strange."

I place my phone back in my bag before climbing into the car. Adrien follows after and the chauffeur closes the door behind him. "Yeah."

"You don't look happy to be modeling with me."

"N-no! That's not it! I'm happy to model with y-you it's just that I wasn't expecting it," I admit quickly. Jeez, Mirabelle! Get yourself together! You're not a pansy!


"Well, want to continue our conversation when we met?"

"What would that be?" he asks.

"How you have a crush on Ladybug," I admit.

"Actually... I don't think I do anymore."

"What? Really?"

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