Chapter 3

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A/N I'm really crap at updating sorry guys

Louis' POV

I felt something. A chill. It felt like someone was watching me. Throughout my walk from the park to my house. Once I got in I quickly locked the door, shut all the curtains and went to my bedroom. I collapsed on my bed panting, I really need to go to the gym. I laid there for around an hour until there was a knock at my front door. I quickly sat up, checked in the mirror to look at my hair and straightened out my T-shirt. I went to the front door and through the darkened glass I saw a mop of brown hair. I opened the door a little just to check it was him.

"Oh God Louis sorry, I'm sorry I'm such an ass... Louis? Oh my God Louis are you okay?" He rushed, talking much faster then I remember. I scratched the back of my neck looking at him. He wasn't in his army uniform, he was wearing black skinny jeans, a white tank top and a bandana, pushing his curles back, it had the American flag on it and it seemed quite thick like he scrunched a whole flag up. I stood there just staring at him, this went on for around three minutes when I slammed the door in his face. Not sure why really. Actually I do. It was him. He was the one the blame. To blame for everything. He was such a... I can't describe it. But then again I can't put forget about before that. But that wasn't relevant now. I sat at my door step thinking. Someone knocked again, I knew I shouldn't but I couldn't help it.

"Lou, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, please let me in and explain. I'm not sure you will like what I have to say, but I guess toy should know, just please don't talk until I have finished speaking" He said fast again. I put my hand out saying he could come in.


Harry's POV

I can't believe I'm telling him this. I shouldn't have come in the first place. But I need to see my brother. I'm really not sure where to begin. He won't be happy with what I have to say, maybe, just maybe he will understand though. I hope, anyway.

"Well, so erm it was when I left for to fight" I started. Well I should have started before that but this is fine for now. 


"Styles the plane is waiting" My commander told me, sternly. O started shaking like mad. He could tell as he shook his head and walked away. Then one of the guys I was training with told me I wasn't ready, and then spat on me. I realised he was right, I wasn't ready. So I ran, I ran nearly all the way out of the airport, but the officer got me. I told him I quit. I'm not sure why. I just couldn't go out there, carrying a gun, fighting. I know it was for England, but I'm too much of a coward. So he let me go, he said he would need paperwork from me, and all that shit, but he would get someone in England to do it. So he let me go. And I ran again, but not out of the airport. There was a clothes shop with a couple of crap, nearly see- through tops and them shitty Hawaiian shorts with the flowers on, but I guess they would have to do. I paid for it and went to the toilets there what costs 30 fucking p. Why do you have to pay to go and piss. 30p as well, that's kinda a lot. So I changed and left my uniform in the bathroom, not wanting to have it, all it would do was remind me of my failure.

I needed to get out of this damn country aswell, nothing ever goes right. So I looked at the timetable, to see where o could go. An hour later I was going no where. Everywhere was too expensive, until this guy said he had a spare ticket, he was willing to cut the price in half, and that's what he did. I was on my way to New York City.

When I got there I found a cheap hotel and stayed there that night. Then I wondered around, until I found an abandoned house, I went inside and saw it was empty except this acoustic guitar that was in the corner with cobwebs around it, locking it there. I pulled it out and took of the disgusting t-shirt I had on and cleaned it, until the base had a tiny shine. I started strumming and it sounded pretty in tune so I stood there casually playing it, I tried to play Mr. Brightside but it would have sounded better if it was electric.

I slipped on the now dust covered shirt and found a piece of leather on the floor what I guess was ment to be the handle thing for the guitar. So I put the instrument on my back and walked into the bust streets of New York. I got 3 new tops from a shop I found, and that was most my money gone, I only had enough left to stay at the hotel for now more day. Well I had 5$ but that was for food. I slowly walked back to the little hotel until some one called me.

"Hey you, play them strings" A New Yorker shouted pointing at me. He came up waking slowly. I found a little block of concrete and sat down slowly strumming until I could think of a song.

Today is gonna be the day,

That they're gonna throw it back to you,

By now you should've realised what you gotta do,

I don't believe anybody feels the way I do,

About you know,

Backbeat the word on the street,

That the fire in your heart is out,

I'm sure you've heard it all before,

But you never really had a doubt.

I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now,

And all the roads we have to take are winding,

And all the lights that lead us there are blinding,

There are many things that I would like to say to you,

But I don't know how,

Because maybe,

You're gonna be the one that saves me,

And after all,

Your my Wonderwall (Oasis-Wonderwall)

I finished strumming. I didn't want to do the whole song. I looked up from the wooden object and saw there was lots of people gathered round me. They cheered, and clapped.

"Son, where should I put this?" A woman asked, holding out a note of some sort, I think a tenner. I held out my hand and half the people there came up and gave me money. I made enough money to stay at the hotel for 2 more days. I put the guitar back on my back and walked off.

I did that for the next week, making a lot of money, I saved half so I would always have enough. I sang around three to five songs in one place and moved onto another, normally four places a day, singing different songs. From most places I got 50$ and around 200$ a day, what was cool. Actually one time this very kind man gave me a 50$ note (I don't know if that's true). Anyway back to the story, I did this for like a couple of months until I got arrested, that's why I didn't contact anyone. But it was only a 5 month sentence, though it seemed a life time. And after that I went to the abandoned house, where I kept everything and saw a pile of notes lying on the floor. I counted it and there was around 2000$, at the bottom was a note saying 'hi guitar thief, I've seen you around with Ellie, I know your story, and I've heard you sing British boy, keep up the good work in England, and take the money I don't need it

- Simon'

So I checked if it was real and made my way to the airport with my 10 t-shirts I own, 4 pairs of jeans, my American flag bandana, my other pair of boots, as I have the other ones on, and of course 'Ellie'. I couldn't be bothered with anything else. Then I went onto the plane and came back

*end of flashback*

"Harry, you want me to believe that?"

A/N hi so so so so sorry for the wait hope this was long enough, please comment, vote or just wait for the next chapter to come

Styles Triplets 2 - Harry/Marcel/Edward Styles (one direction)Where stories live. Discover now