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Harry's POV

We were smart enough to bring our doctor, who said Julia did fractures, broken nose, he said he's surprised she survived with such minimal damage than she should have gotten. We had to drive her to a friend of Dr. Adams, where him and the other doctor attended Julia.

Everyone came to see her, but we couldn't afford any delays, we needed to leave this place before The Pit or Julio fins us.

All the boys sat in a room back at the beach house, along with our new hacker Jade.

"We need to know some things about you," I say at the girl in front of me.

She sits up straight,"Why am I here?"

I smiled,"let me ask my question first."


"Where are you from?" I asked.

She smirks, "Oakland."

"Damn," Louis says. She glances at him and back at me, "I answered yours. Now answer mine."

"We need someone as reliable and intelligence level of yours. We're in a sort of war, and everyone wants you," I say.

She scoffs and stands up, "so I'm your puppet?"

I stood up as well, "Tell me Jade, how did those other men treat you?"

She look taken aback, "like shit."

"We saved you, didn't we?" I question, very well knowing the answer.

"Yeah. But also kidnapped to work for you," she bit back.

"You're wrong. Those men, that's who we're in war with. We didn't kidnap you, they did. You're given a choice here, here you're given equality. And you and I cannot deny the fact if you deny this those men will come back for you," I explained, and she huffed a breath and sat back down.

"If this war ever ends, am I allowed to leave?" She now questions.

I smiled, "yes. My word."

She looks at all the guys, "Fine."

"Welcome to the King's Den," I say. "Now next part of business."

Everyone sat in silence, I draw a long breath,"we need to figure out about Julia. We were supposed to leave right after retrieving Jade, that wasn't the case. We cant afford staying here any longer."

Liam stands up,"you're proposing we leave Julia, aren't you?"

"Liam, we can't afford to be here. The Pit are already I hey searching for us, and Julio as well," I sighed.

"We can't leave her," Niall butts in.

"We can't affor-" Liam cuts me off.

"If we leave, they'll find her," Liam barks.

"What do you want us to do Liam? Stay for a week or longer?" I growled.

"No, but is there a way we can take her with us?" Liam softens.

"I don't think there's a chance of that happening," I sighed.

"We all know you don't want to leave her either," Louis chimes.

"I'll figure it out, I'll decide tonight. Whatever my decision is you can't change my mind," I say sternly, I knew Louis was right but I had to think about the Den. "You're all excused."

Liam's POV

Harry's always been a great mate of mine, and I had a lot respect for him but I can't help but be so mad at him for proposing to leave Julia. She was like a sister, I didn't want Julio to find her.

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