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I woke up again on the cold floor, everything was silent so far and everything was a pitch black that you felt eery.

My hands were no longer tied up but I still struggled as I tried to hoist myself up. After a few failed attempts and the ache of each muscle in body yelling after each failure, I managed to stand up. My legs were severely bruised and weak, I took a deep breath as I tried to talk a step forward. After making my way to the door of my cell, I look out through the small hole where I can see out, and as I predicted it was empty, I immediately dropped to my knees and started feeling around the darkness until I found what I was looking for.

"Please, please, please," I plea to myself.

I feel something stab my hand, and grabbed it and again slowly and steadily stood back up. My eyes now adjusting to the darkness I looked down at my hand where I held a very sharp nail.

I don't hesitate as I try to open the door to my cell, jiggling and fiddling with the lock.

Come on, come on.


I le out a breath of relief, I might make it out of here.

I peeked the door open just a bit to see out, making sure it was all still clear. Once I felt safe enough I cracked the door a bit more, I held my breath and I closed my eyes for a moment. The next, I was running (more like limping) out of my room and across the hall, I know this was basically suicide but I need to get out of here, or at least he does.

I started looking in each dark room I passed, I kept frantically whispering his name, praying for a response.

Suddenly I heard boots behind me and I stopped dead in my tracks, I turned around and I see Liam as he stares at me cautiously.

"Julia..." He says slowly.

"Liam, all I'm asking is for you to save him, that's all I'm asking," I feel a lump in my throat.

He takes a step forward, "Julia, you and I both know I can't do that."

Tears burn out of my eyes, "please."

He strides quickly forward and grasps my arms and drags me along the hallway, but not in the direction to my cell.

My breathing becomes hoarse and my legs start giving up but Liam grips me up. He stops suddenly in front of a door and starts looking through his keys and unlocks the door, he looks at me, "you can only see him."

"Please open it," I beg.

He does and my stomach churns as I see a large figure slumped on the floor, his swollen lips parted and breathing slow and heavy as if it were his last breath each time.

I suddenly regained my leg strength as I lunged myself inside the room and collapsed next to him.

"Harry," I whispered, I stroked his head hoping for him to be able to open his eyes.

Green eyes open and look up at me, his lips part, "Julia? Am I dead?" He tries to smile.

I giggled, "no, thankfully. You're still here, I'm still here."

"Baby you need to save yourself, I don't want to see you in pain anymore," he says.

I sighed, "Harry, stop being so cheesy," I jokes.

"It's apart of the charm."

I stroked his cheek, "we're going to make it out, you're going to continue to annoy the living shit out of me and I'm going to be stubborn back."

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