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Two days later. (Super short chapter)

I woke up to his arms securely wrapped around my waist as I my eyes traveled to the window, showing the break of dawn. I slowly wiggled my way out of bed and hurried to the bathroom without trying to wake up Harry, as he really hasn't slept in the past two nights. I'm surprised he slept at all last night as I could tell his paranoia to me departing today with Louis.

I quickly got ready, and mentally going over if I have everything that is needed for the trip. I make my way out and I'm surprised to see Harry all dressed, waiting for me by bed.

"All ready?" He mutters, not looking up at me as he looks down at his phone.

I sighed, "as I'll ever be."

I make my way over to my luggage, just a backpack and a large suitcase.

"Darling, I'll carry it. Go on and find Louis," I feel his presence behind me.

I stood up straight and faced him, his tired features as his eyes hovered over me, I nod as I make my way out of my room and down the hall to Louis' door where I start to bang loudly.

"For fucks sake," I hear behind the door. The door swings open and I am faced with Louis looking dreadful, "couldn't bang that door any louder Julia?"

I smirked, "not my fault, I wasn't the one who drank last night."

"Mike brought more beer, didn't want to be impolite and say no..." He looks behind me, "are we ready to go?"

"Harry's carrying my luggage down, I suppose you should as well."

He nods, opening the door wide open as he grabs his backpack and his luggage. Wheeling over to me, "so, Styles... How's he?"

"It'll only be for a while that we'll be separated, he'll be fine," knowing what Louis was referring to.

Louis comes out with his luggage and closes the door behind him, "I reckon he's going insane in his head. Harry hasn't been wanting to lose sight of you since the incident with your guy's kidnapping."

I shudder at the memory.

"Lets just go, I need to sleep off this hangover," Louis changes the subject and we stroll down the hallways, leading us the elevator down and out of the building.

Harry was waiting for us as we made our way out, Louis started loading his luggage and Harry made his way over to me.

"Take care, won't you?" He whispers to me.

I put my hand on his chest and connecting my eyes with his, "yes, I promise. It won't be long Harry, I'll be fine."

He pecks my lips, "good, because I don't want to go to Argentina by myself after all this."

My eyes widen and I stared at him, "Argentina?"

"I want to... After this."

"Harry, the den?" I panicked all of a sudden, I didn't think he would actually go for it.

"We'll figure it out, alright?" He cups my face. "I'll see you soon, we'll talk about this more when it's all over."

"Christ, Julia... We have to go," Louis comments loudly, behind us.

I turned my head towards him and then back at Harry, "I'll see you soon."

Harry lets go of my face and takes a step back as he smiles softly to me. I turned towards the car and get inside as Louis joins me, sitting next to me.

"You guys won't be separated that long, don't be so dramatic," Louis says to Harry before closing the door. Harry frowns and flips him off as the door shuts and the driver starts the car.

I rested my head back against the car seat and Louis pats my knee, "all good Julia?"

"Great, actually."

"Really? Why's that?"

I smiled thinking about what Harry told me, "I can't wait for this to end, and have Julio six feet under the ground."

Short chapter but hey, it's two updates for today! Lol that's a record.

I wanted to make this short just to show you that small scene with Julia and Harry because after this I want to get into the good parts when they're in Spain.

This fic will be ending soon, not sure how long but if anything I'm rounding it to be ending in late March or Early April.

I will be making more Harry fics after, so no need to worry but I will be letting you know of my next one soon. Thank you for reading as always, I know these haven't been the best chapter but I've been trying to move this along to get to the good parts, so it's coming next chapter I swear! ... Also, how do you like the new cover for the book?

Love you all,

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