Chapter }3{

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"Can you tell me how we met?" Arthur asked Alfred as the two wandered the halls. It was the next day, and the two had met up after breakfast.

Alfred grinned. "Oh yeah that's simple! It was on the train ride. We were both looking for somewhere to sit, and we came across this empty booth, literary grabbed the handle at the same time. We talked the whole ride there."

"That doesn't sound like me..." Arthur mumbled.

Alfred frowned, shifting his books under one arm to pat him on the back. "Well, I think we can blame the memory loss a bit. Something like that can change anyone."

He shrugged. "I guess." An uncomfortable silence followed and he tried to lighten the mood again. "So what happened after that? It's pretty clear that we got sorted different houses."

Alfred answered instantly, happy for the subject change. "Yeah, I was kind of upset about that. But we managed to hang out all the same.

They rounded a bend and Arthur suddenly pulled Alfred back.

"Whoa!" Alfred stumbled to catch his balance as the shorter blonde pressed himself up against the wall. "Dude what was that?!"

"Shush! They'll hear you!" He hissed.

"Who?" He stuck his head around the corner and saw a group of Slytherins before he was yanked back again. "Malfoy and his gang?"

"Yes them. Now let's go back." Arthur started back down the hall, only for the other to grab him by the shoulder and spin him back around. "Man you're both Slytherins shouldn't you get along?"

That question was answered when Draco showed up. "Whats' this?" He saw at how Alfred still had his hand on Arthur, and slightly bent down to be more at his level. "Being gay with a Gryfindor? And the very one we told you to attack?"

"What?" Alfred stood back up, glancing at Malfoy then back at Arthur, who was staying silent and looking at the ground. "What does he mean, attack?"

He just shuffled his foot. He had just met him yesterday why did he feel so guilty? Then again if he did know him before, any feelings he had would still be there of course. They weren't exactly memories.

"Go on, tell him brat." Malfoy crossed his arms, not even trying to hide his smirk.

"I-I go after kids he tells me to, and use magic against them..."

Alfred didn't react at first.

"I think we're done here." Draco and his silent gang left.

Arthur barely lasted a minute of Alfred's endless stare before turning on his heel. "I'm leaving."

"Wait!" The Gryfindor's foot steps rapidly neared Arthur, before finally catching up and standing in front of him. "Listen to me. I don't care that you do that, because you'll stop since it's not you-"

"You don't know me!" Arthur exploded, glaring at the other. "I do believe you knew me before, but that's the key word! Before! It's been three years Alfred! I changed!"

He grabbed both of his shoulders. "Then let me know you again."

Arthur shrugged out of his grip, looking him up and down and whispering, "why do you care so much?"

Alfred sucked in a breath, taking his sweet time answering. "We were really close." He gave a small smile. "Almost inseparable really."

Arthur pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing. "Okay. I'll try and avoid Draco, so I won't be forced into hurting anyone."

He brightened instantly. "Thanks. Now, what else do you want to be reminded of?"


Draco knows what's up~

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