Chapter }4{

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"You're telling me I did what?!" Arthur asked in astonishment.

Alfred laughed, reeling back before repeating himself. "You jumped into the lake!"

"Why?!" Arthur was standing over the still laughing Gryffindor, ready to slap him if he didn't calm down soon.

"I bet you wouldn't go near it, and you overdid it and jumped in. Robes and all!" Al took his glasses off to wipe away a tear.

Arthur was astonished. "You lier!"

The other boy was finally calming down. "If that's what you think, then fine. But you did!"

"I would never!"

The two boys had met up after classes, and were now sitting in the window of one of the outside hallways. They had been doing their homework, but had gotten sidetracked. The result was obvious.

"Anyways," Alfred jumped from the ledge, turning around to face his friend the second he hit the ground. "I've got something to show you."

Arthur gathered up his stuff and slipped from the ledge. "What is it?"

Al grinned. "This way!" He then grabbed the other boy's hand and pulled him through the school.

After a while Alfred stopped moving and faced the Slytherin. "We're here!"

It took Arthur a moment to realize where they were. "This is where I met you."

"Actually, this was our spot." The younger boy watched Arthur take in the place.

"Our spot?"

Alfred blushed slightly. "Yeah. We hung out here every day. Plus it has a secrete only we knew about."

This perked Arthur's interest. "What is it?"

Alfred smirked, walking up to Arthur and covering his eyes. There was a strange sound, and then Alfred took his hands away.

Alfred had moved to stand next to a large door that was not there before.

"Alfred, what is...?" Arthur trailed off when he figured out from the other's knowing smirk he wasn't going to say anything.

They entered the room and Arthur gasped, the doors closing behind them.

"Pretty cool right?" Alfred was grinning while watching his friend turn about the room.

The Slytherin faced the other. "It's amazing. But, how did we find this?"

Alfred shrugged. "We were just hanging out and suddenly the doors appeared."

"What is this?"

"I think it's the Room of Requirement." Al bit his lip. "I got the name from one of the myths about this school."

Arthur was snapped out of his awe at that. "The Room of Requirement? Isn't that the room that only appears for those who need it? Why would it show itself to us now or back then?" He looked at his friend with obvious confusion.

This seemed to make Alfred very fidgety. "Well, uh, for as of now, I'd guess to help with your memory loss. As for back then, um... maybe it just thought we needed a place?"

Still confused, Arthur didn't let that answer slide. "Why would we need a place?"

Alfred almost interrupted he spoke so quick. "We just, needed a place, okay?"

"Alright." Arthur turned away and began to explore the room, knowing this had something to do with the part of his past Al was't telling him.

The silence started pressing down in him though, and finally he faced the other again. "So I know you don't want to tell me everything right now, but can you at least tell me how I lost my memory or why you didn't look for me?"

Alfred took a few moments before sighing. "We...we were fighting, on the moving stairs. We were both so blind with rage... Y- you fell, hit your head, really, really hard. Stayed in the hospital wing for days. I didn't even visit. I was stubborn next year. Wanted it to be you who apologized. Year after I thought you hated me, couldn't find you anywhere."

Arthur was unsure how to respond. "...What were we fighting about?"

Alfred smiled bitterly. "I don't even remember."

The twist in Arthur's stomach said he was a lier.


This might have been longer and posted sooner had I not gotten grounded.


Woo Room of Requirement!

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