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Rachel POV
"Hey! Leave him alone" I yell angry

All the football players turned to face me. I'm not afraid of them and right now I'm death glaring each and every one of them. They all look at me and laugh, but I glare harder and that's when they see how serious I am so they stop.

One of the guys pushes the really tall one toward me. He puts his arm around me, I'm immediately disgusted.
I hear a girl who sounds a lot like my sister yell. So I turn to see Quinn in the middle of the hallway with her arms crossed staring at Rachel walking over to the football players. I know she has no shame and she just doesn't like the people in our school, but does she really have to interact with the most obnoxious guys in school?

I start walking toward them when Santana holds me back,

"I think you should sit this one out Ray," she says amused
Rachel POV
"Listen pretty lady, we're just doing what's right, you understand, right?" He asks

I slowly and harshly take his arm off my shoulder and start backing him into a locker. Everyone just watches me do this. He hits the locker and smirks down at me and I lift my head up all the way up so I can see him better. But that hardly helps.

"Listen you Neanderthal, I don't care what you and your obnoxious friends think is right, but I know that bullying isn't, so quit it!" I yell

He still continues to wear that stupid smirk and look down at me. The kid being bullied just looks at me with wide eyes, while the rest of the football team walks away scared.

"You know you're hot when you talk to me like that" he smirks

Oh god, instant puke, I roll my eyes and pull the kids arm and walk away.

"My names Finn, by the way, pretty lady!" I hear him yell at me

I turn around and shoot a look of disgust while yelling

"I don't care!"

I continue walking and for a moment I forgot all about the kid, of course he just stops, which cause me to remember I was still dragging him.
I cannot believe she just did that. So much for her staying away from the pervs. Now what! I know that Finn being the guy he is, is going to pursue her until she gives in.

"Wow, your sisters badass" Santana laughs

"yeah, her and mom are kind of feminists and anti-bullying people" I explain

Her standing up for someone isn't a shocker to me. My sis knows how to protect herself. Her problem is that she doesn't like being social. But she can be, just as she so publicly displayed.

"I think she's kind of rude" Quinn whines

"You're just mad because there was so much sexual tension between her and Hudson just a minute ago" Santana says annoyed

"EW! Gross! That's my sister, TWIN SISTER! To be exact," I say disgusted

"Oh shut up, you like Puckerman anyway, so it'll be like the perfect fit for you and her" Santana shrugs

"Oh god, please stop talking, I would rather be dead than actually let Rachel date Finn Hudson and have myself be with Puckerman" I gag

"Whatever you say.." Santana says sarcastic

I hate when she goes full sarcasm on me
Rachel POV
I let go of the kids arm.

"Sorry," I say modest all of a sudden

"Oh it's totally ok, I mean you kind of saved my butt back there!" He laughed

"Oh, no, I was just standing up for what I believe in" I explain

"And what's that," he asked crossing his arms

"Feminism, and bully free schools" I smile with my teeth

"Oh well good for you, my names Kurt by the way" he says interlocking our elbows and continuing to walk "I think we're going to be great friends" he smiled

For once I actually want someone in this school as my friend. So I smile back.

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