Do You Remember?

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I had started cleaning the house a little because I got bored. It's sad really, but I was finishing cleaning the bathroom when I heard a knock.

I was kind of in overalls and my hair was in a bun and wrapped in a bandana, but the stray hairs still fell out. I was wearing an outfit that would mortify Kurt. I mean, I had my red converse on.

"I'm going, I'm going" I say taking off the purple rubber gloves

I open the big door and see Santana jump in excited, soon after Artie rolls in and I get really excited. Then Ray comes and I finished hugging Artie so of course I practically jumped on my sister.

"Oh my gosh! This is amazing, what are you going here? Is mom ok? Did Ilianna come with you?" I question turning around

I didn't see Ilianna, I saw the one person who I was finally getting over. Finn.

"Hi Rach" he shrugged with his hands in his pockets while wearing a black shirt that really exposed his muscles.

I swear I didn't mean too, but my breath hitched a little and I quickly feel embarrassed in this red bandana.

Finn POV
Look at her, she looks so cute in the red converse and matching bandana. I can't believe I'm here already. I can't believe I actually came.

Back to Rachel POV
Finn and I were just standing there staring at each other. Or rather I was staring at him as he waited outside. I was brought back by Santana,

"Rachel, let the poor guy inside!" She claimed out loud

I kind of shook myself back to reality and stepped aside as he walked in. Obviously what I'm wearing isn't presentable so I excused myself.

"Um, let me just go change" I informed them

I quickly rushed to my room and pulled the curtain for privacy. I felt so confused all of a sudden, and my heart won't stop beating. I changed really fast and I open another drawer and take it out. I can't help but stare and think what if.

"Surprised to see him"

I hear behind me

I turn and see Ray leaning against the wall. She looks so much more mature, where as I am literally a mess. I tuck the ring behind me and shrug,

"A little" I try to convince

Ray starts walking closer with her arms crossed

"You forget I'm your sister, so hand it over" she says motioning toward my left hand

"I don't have it" I tell her

Before I know it where rolling all over the bed as she tries to get it. She fell off the bed and I laid there hiding in the covers. I saw her head slowly rise from the floor as she stared at it.

"Rachel, you never told me you two got engaged!" Ray whispered

"Technically we didn't" I explain

"You know what Santana said she was going to show me the city, so bye!" Ray said randomly walking out

Before I could protest the three of them were gone! So Finn just waits on the couch patiently, he saw me and his eyes lit up, but before he said anything I walked over to him,

"Why are you here Finn?" I asked him

"I was told you were in need of my help" he answered

"I don't need anyone's help, especially because I already told Kurt and Santana that I can't" I shrug turning away from him

I feel like if I face him, I'll just see the disappointment in his face.

"Can't what Rachel, funny girl auditions? Because as fas as I'm concerned you already are fanny Brice, I mean you know the songs and the lines like the back of your hand, they're crazy not to pick you" Finn tells me

I can't turn and look at his face I can't,

"What if they tell me I'm bad, and that I've failed Barbra" I whisper almost afraid

I feel Finn spin me around to face him,

"Rachel I'm finally following my dream, and do you want to know why?" Finn asks

I don't answer him but he knows that I want to know,

"Because someone very important to me, once told me that I'm too good to give up on my dreams," he said "and that person was you Rachel, I wouldn't be going off to play for the Giants if it hadn't been for you, because that's what you do, you inspire people, now it's time to take a little inspiration for yourself" Finn explained

I'm so proud of him. He finally became exactly what he wanted to be. He's chasing his dreams, and I just know that's he's going to make it big.

"You really believe in me that much?"I ask

"More" he smiled at me

I looked up at him and felt the heat rising in my cheeks. I wanted to kiss him so badly and have him-

Warm lips are being met with mine, and I can't help but let them kiss mine. It's exactly what I was thinking it's exactly what I wanted. It's so passionate and was much needed. I continue to let him kiss me as I place my hand on his cheek. But air becomes a necessity and we pull away.

"I've been wanting to do that since I got here" Finn breathed out

I saw his swollen lips filled with my brand of lipstick, and his hair was messed up a little, I lightly breathed in and out,

"Me too" I agree

Soon enough we were making out again, but we fell on the couch, and as soon as I felt his skin touch mine I felt tingles and the heat and the passion from before rushing back to me. As fast as it was coming, so was the door opening.

So we quickly jumped back up and separated ourselves and tried to hide our messiness as Santana smirked and Ray and Kurt who were carrying bags looked mortified.

"Um I'm going to go out and audition!" I say confident

Its as if the last two seconds of embarrassment didn't happen and everyone was cheering me on. I just know already that I'm going to nail this audition.

I looked at Santana and whispered,

"I told you so"

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