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Rachel POV
"Ok, so what should we do now" I asked Finn

We were about to go to glee club after school, but I still have Ilianna to take care of. At least till my mom gets home. Finns going to stay with me to take care of her.

"Um, I don't know, maybe we should like feed her" he said unsure

"Right, right, we need to feed kids, ok so what should we get her?" I ask him

Ilianna was running around on the football field. She was playing with Ray. She just agreed to keep her busy while Finn and I figured out how we were going to do this.

"What about a sandwich?like a pb&j one, kids love that" Finn says

"Yeah, ok, let's go get her a sandwich" I say walking towards her

She was so hyper and fast. Finn and I just glanced at each other. I smiled at him,

"Ok, so Ilianna, you want to go eat a PB and J sandwich?" I ask her

"I don't want a PB and J, I want a BLT sandwich!" She exclaimed

"Oh ok" I nod, looking at Finn

"We should probably go get you that sandwich then," Finn said taking her hand

Ilianna gladly accepted it and held onto his hand. I'm so happy she isn't too crazy. I mean most four year olds are.

"See you in glee club sis!" Ray said going inside

"Yeah, see you later" I waved to her

When I turned back I saw Finn put Ilianna on his shoulders. It made me smile because they looked so cute.

"Wait for me!" I run to them

They turn back and show me their cute smiles. It makes me think of the future. One where I hope to be with Finn. I can't wait till we have kids.
Glee club
Finn POV
Seeing Rachel with Ilianna makes me think how one day that's how she'll be with our kids. I'm not going to lie to myself, but I've already been thinking about a future with Rachel. Something I've never thought about in girls I date.

I honestly think Rachel is it for me. Shes my soulmate.

"Remember don't be afraid, everyone in there is nice" Rachel said holding Iliannas hand

I held onto her other hand and she squeezed it. She's scared. But I'll make sure she's ok.

Rachel POV
As I walked into the choir room with Ilianna, everyone just stopped and stared. I hope they don't assume-

"OMG! Did you two adopt a kid together already!??" Kurt asked

And they assumed what I thought they would

"Why do you people all think Finn and I would adopt a kid in high school?" I ask out loud

"Yeah, Ilianna isn't our new daughter she's Rachel and rays sister" Finn added for me

I smiled at him grateful.

"Oh, well that's good I guess" Kurt said breathing out a sigh of relief

"Yeah you two having a kid would be.." Santana said while shaking her finger

"Why would it be so bad if Rachel and I did have a kid anyway?" Finns sled the glee club

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"Why would it be so bad if Rachel and I did have a kid anyway?" Finns sled the glee club

"It's not that it's be a bad thing- its just" Mercedes was interrupted by Sam "It would be a bad thing"

"No it wouldn't, it would actually be really cute, but you guys are still young" Quinn said rolling her eyes at Sam

"Ok whatever, we just wanted you guys to meet Ilianna" I said introducing her to everyone

"Wow, she looks nothing like you" Brittany said

"That's because she's our half sister" Ray explained "and she's living with us now" she sighed

I see everyone stood up and started talking and playing with Ilianna, Finn and I just stood there holding hands.

"I can't wait to have kids with you" Finn said

I smiled and looked up at him

"You want to have kids with me?" I asked impressed

"Yeah but first I want to kiss you, do you know where?" He asked me

"On the lips?" I asked

"No" he smiled mischievously

"My neck?" I whispered

"No, in a church in front of all our family and friends, after saying I do" he smiled more

I couldn't help but blush and almost cry. So I went on my tiptoes and kissed him

 So I went on my tiptoes and kissed him

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