Chapter 2 : calm down

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Skys POV.

I got my stuff ready for our little explorer trip and I just brought AMO , extra food ,my gun ,and most importantly water then I heard "Adam " which I think was Aph .when I got down she was there waiting for me and she nodded signaling for us to go and head out ,so we were still in Hayworth (is that what u call it ). hopefully we can find him in or out of Hayworth but jess over here says that we can't go out of Hayworth .but come on I only got lost last time because of the walkers but I didn't bother saying because I know she still won't let me .she grasp my arm my ,face heated up it felt weird because I hadn't done that in a while but still she is a friend and only a friend , but anyways we want to find Dr. Ross or at least search for Dr. Ross before Nick and the others get back only to find that we were missing so aph told me to shush "we need to keep quiet because we might attract walkers or even worse the doc " I just nodded my head I'm response
She did to when we walked about 1. 2 km from our home base then we found a weird structure that looked like a lab and both of us said in sync "he is still here "
Both of us whisper shouted ,ash then dragged me to a bush "hey aph um..... I think that the doc is in there or going to be there " I said
"yeah we need to tell the others ,I don't care if they say that its dangerous I just its just ugh can't speak right I don't care how they tell us not to go outside again but its Ross he has a lot of secrets and I'm pretty sure that its why is he still in Hayworth-" I got cut off by Aphmau "sky can we talk in the base " "yeah its harder to talk here in the whisper language " so after that little talk we went straight back into the home base with only a few walkers spotted us when we got back to the base Or so called home there was a surprise ,and it was........

Cliff hanger I know I hate these thing but why not don't get mad at me for doing this also me swear words k sorry if u liked that I'm just not allowed oh yeah almost forgot jin and aph/jess are secret siblings so yeah
Bai my little nightmares

Word count including note and this is : 456


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