The Meeting

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Draco walked into the King's Cross station, pushing a trolley filled with luggage in front of him. He couldn't believe that Scarlett and Scorpio were old enough to go to Hogwarts, a place he associated with both good and bad times. His life after the defeat of the dark lord had been hectic, to say the least, what with trials from the ministry and accusations flying everywhere. The only thing that had kept him anchored to sanity and kept his hopes up was Hermione's love for him.
Pushing into platform 9 and ¾ with his kids, Draco walked over to Harry and Ron, who were signalling at him with wide grins on their faces. "hey Harry, Ron! How've you been? The kids ok?" said Hermione from beside him, rushing forward to hug her best friends. Suddenly, their reunion was broken apart by two kids running and latching themselves to both Hermione and Draco. "hi uncle! Hi auntie! Guess what, guess what! We found our own compartment in the express! I cant WAIT to FINALLY make it to Hogwarts! Daddy has told me ALL about it!" said Albus Severus potter, jumping up and down in his excitement. He gestured to the Malfoy twins, and with a small glance in their parents' direction, they ran off back to the express, eager to get to know the place their parents had spent so much of their lives in.
"They grow up so fast, don't they?" said Ginny, casting a wistful glance at her frolicking kids. Harry pulled her into a one armed hug. "So they do. But I have to admit. it will be quite a pleasant change when I don't have to wake up at 7 after coming back from a job at four to make pancakes for three peppy kids." Said Harry, earning a light slap from his wife.

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