Who's is Bigger, Yours or Mine? (on hold)

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First off, in my head i picture Rem with less facial hair but that's okay. i can deal with it. And second this story may never have an ending, but i will try to keep working on it for as long as i can.


Chapter 1

Rem's pov

“I'll show you mine, if you show me yours.” A husky whisper sounded next to my ear. The scent of whiskey wafted across my face and felt my broad shoulders tense. I spun on my heel and turned to face the man who had said it. He chuckled at the, no doubt, disgusted look on my face and pulled out his badge. “Get hit on by other men often?” He asked, obviously finding my reaction highly amusing.

“What can I say? I just irresistible that way.” I growled as he sat on the stool next to me. “It's been awhile.” I stated lifting my glass in salute. “I guess it was too much asking you to grow up, Colt.” I muttered as he raked his had through his thick golden hair. His blue eyes flashed mercilessly and I knew he was laughing his ass off at my expense.

“Relax, you love me the way I am.” He grinned and winked at a woman at the far end of the bar. The bartender shot us a strange look and I clasped Colt's shoulder solidly.

“Only because I have too, little brother, only because I have to.” He took after our mother with his golden hair and blue eyes, I on the other hand had black hair and green eyes. The bartender was obviously eavesdropping and made a face when I fished my own badge from my pocket and showed it to Colt. I noticed the irony of our badges.

“Still in a competition to see who has the bigger badge?” The soft feminine voice had both Colt and me turning.

“Beretta!” We both broke into a smile and hugged our younger sister. She had thick black hair and vivid blue eyes, the perfect mixture of mom and dad. I stepped back and she flashed a wicked smile as she pulled out a badge of her own and both Colt and I growled at her. “You didn't!” I argued.

“Don't worry, it's not a big deal, read the acronym before either of you freak.” She flashed an innocent smile.

“You know sis, you have to be careful!” Colt groaned. “The CIA is no place for our little sister.” He complained.

“I'm a computer expert, I'm in charge of all the communications equipment and stuff!” She argued. “I'm perfectly safe, I have all the training and everything.” She shrugged nonchalantly.

“Agent Fielding!” We all three jumped and spun around guiltily.

“Yes sir.” I glanced at both of my younger siblings and we all burst out laughing. He frowned and then growled in annoyance.

“I'm just going to assign fucking numbers!” He muttered darkly. “Do you three know each other?” He asked. I said yes right as a rather sarcastic no echoed from Colt. I smacked him across the back of the head lightly.

“Yes sir, let me introduce you to my younger siblings. Colt and Beretta.” I pointed to either of them and earned a black scowl from Beretta. Beretta held out her dainty hand to my boss.

“Beretta Fielding, CIA.” She said looking dainty and innocent.

“Colt Fielding, DEA.” Colt muttered.

“Good, you'll all three be working together. Remington, your partner will also be working with the three of you, but he's late.” Agent Kane Wynters sauntered up and arched a brow at Beretta. He had stitches in his left eyebrow. He grinned up at me and held out his hand. I slapped his opened palm and shook his hand.

“Sorry I'm late. Trina threw a champagne flute at my head and I had to get stitches.” His teeth were straight and white.

“Kane, you'll be working with the CIA and DEA.” Our boss admitted. Kane's mouth fell open and he looked at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2012 ⏰

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