Chapter 1: The sighting

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'Brrriiinnnggg!!!' That was the bell to signal the end of the school day. Violet jumped out of her seat when... "MISS PATTERSON, WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING?!" Her booming voice rattled through the walls "I was leaving, I mean, the bell did go, aren't I allowed to leave" she replied in a tone that sounded like she was ready for an argument.
"THE BELL DOESN'T DISMISS YOU, I DO!!" She shouted back, hearing Violets tone made her even more annoyed. "Then why do we have a bell, you should really think about these things Miss" she started walking out as she said that. "VIOLET PATTERSON, I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU, GO AND SEE THE PRINCIPLE NOW, AND I WILL CHECK IF YOU HAVE SEEN HIM OR NOT SO DON'T GO THINKING YOU CAN AVOID HIM JUST BECAUSE IT'S THE END OF SCHOOL" The teacher smirked as she felt she had won this "I'm not feeling it today, maybe tomorrow" she walked out and slammed the door behind her before the teacher could answer back.

"VIOLET, OVER HERE!" Her friends Samantha (or Sam for short) and Daniel were waiting outside for her. "Where have you been? everyone left 10 minutes ago" Daniel asked. "Oh I was just teaching Miss Raven why we have bells" Violet seemed very proud of herself for that."Oh Violet, you must learn to control that argumentative attitude you have, you've gotten into way to much trouble by arguing back" Sam stated. "Yeah, I know, but I need to give them my opinion one way or another, anyways enough about that, do you want to come over to my place?" She asked. "Yeah sure why not, but I need to stop off at the shop to get something first, wanna come with?" Typical Daniel, always needing to buy something from the shop, probably some sweets. "Fine, as long as you don't take forever like last time" Sam sighed. "I don't take that long, come on, let's go"

Soon enough, they were at the shop Daniel went in whilst Sam and Violet waited for him outside "hey Sam, what's that, over there behind those trees"

"Hmm, looks like an abandoned shop or something"

"We should go and explore that, looks interesting"

"It looks dangerous , and we don't want to get in trouble for staying out too long" classic Sam, she was the sensible one of the group.

"Are you scared?" Violet was into more of the creepy things and loved taking risks

"N-no, I just don't think it's a good idea"

Violet sighed, "Fine..."

Daniel walked out of the shop with his bag of sweets, and all three of them walked off to Violets house where they played video games and talked about nonsense like they usually do."ugh, I have to go, I'll see ya tomorrow" Sam said. "Yeah, me too, bye!" And Daniel and Sam walked off. "Bye" Violet said but she doubted they would've heard her as they were already half way down the stairs.

That night Violet though about that abandoned place she had seen earlier that day, she really wanted to go there and considering Sam didn't want to go, and Daniel probably wouldn't go because he is a big wuss, he gets scared from someone knocking on the door let alone going to that abandoned place. She decided she would go tomorrow, without them. And with that thought, she drifted off to sleep.

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