Chapter 12 Part 3: The Twin

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Wendy's P.O.V.

"Where are we?"

One minute ago, we saw two girl in the temple and the next minute, Lucy accidentally triggered the trap. The floor was suddenly opened and made us fell into it. Well, except Natsu-san and Romeo.

"Wendy, are you okay?"
"I'm fine."
"How should we get up there?" Lucy asked and probably worried about Natsu and Romeo.
"Did you forget we can fly?" Two cats said.
"Silly me!"

When Carla grabbed me, I suddenly smell a fresh flower fragrant. 

"Lucy-san, I thinked we should investigate here?" 
"I smelled a fresh flower fragrant came from there." I pointed. "Probably a Verde."

After heard what I said, Lucy-san hesitated a bit. 

"Let's go."

We went to the way that the fragrant came from. After we went through further, the path was getting wider and lead us to a room.

Inside the room, there was a beautiful Verde placed on an altar. We came closer to the altar and saw some words written on it. 

'The most beautiful Verde that came from heaven. It represent the trust between humankind and god'

"I think this is it, the most beautiful Verde." I said with excitement.

I took out the jar that Porlyusica-san prepared for me. I carefully put the Verde inside it

"It's done, Lucy-san.... What are you doing?" I asked Lucy who was staring the wall.
"Wendy, come here." 

I did what she told me. When I close to the wall, I saw an incredible view.


Romeo's P.O.V.

After Wendy and the others fell into the trap, Natsu-san and I confront the twin Curses. 

"Fire Dragon's Roar!"

Their attack cause a huge blast. While Natsu-san fighting the green clothes Curses, I was having conversation with the purple clothes one.

"Why are you here?"
"We just wandering around. But still, I thought big brother killed you. You must be strong."
"Just wait and see. Purple Rain!" I shot bullet-like flames at her. 

Because of she can fly and she is fast, she dodged all my flames easily.

"Well then, it's my turn. Black wave!"
"Rainbow Fire!"

The blast caused by our attack sent me fly away. 

"Ouch! Glad I used Rainbow...." 

Before I can finish my words, Natsu-san hit me.

"Man, she is strong. Her wind is annoying!!! Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" 

Natsu-san stood up again and rush to his opponent to give her a punch. Though Natsu-san is strong but just like Natsu-san mentioned just now, before Natsu-san reached her, she was able to blow Natsu-san away.

"She is strong, right?"
"Just who are you?"

After I finished it, Natsu-san has been blew away again.

"My name is Novalis and she is my younger sister..."
"I'm barbara... Nice to meet you." She said nervously.
"There is no need to be nervous..."
"Sorry, Novalis-chan."
"Just as you know, we are 10 Curses. Curse of growth and courage."

"Like the hell I care of it!"
Natsu-san stood up and said.

"I'm all fired up!!!"

Novalis stared at us about few seconds. 
"Barbara, let's do it." She pokes Barbara's waist
"Hyah!!! Novalis-chan!!!"
"Sorry, sorry... Let's go."

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