O' Death

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You walked down the hall, swinging the keys in your hand. You approached Midnight's cell first, unlocking it and setting him free.

Then Angel.

Then Racer.

Then Hoteye.

And finally, Cobra.

"Ah, free at last!" Angel sighed in bliss. "I want to take a shower."

"Can't your shower wait?" Racer grunted.

"No!" Angel scoffed, her eyebrows furrowed. "A lady should always be clean. Especially if that lady's an angel."

"Whatever." Racer grumbled, rolling his eyes.

"What we need are some clothes." Midnight commented.

"In due time." You finally spoke, beginning to walk. "In due time."

The other members of the Oraciòn Seis followed behind you, Cobra being the one closest to you.

And it wasn't a coincidence.

As soon as you started walking, Cobra walked as well, right behind you.

"T-Toxin, I-" He stuttered quietly so the others wouldn't hear him. He stopped talking, however, when you glared at him from the corner of your eye. He swallowed thickly then looked down at his bare feet. I've messed up, he sighed in his head, haven't I?

After a couple minutes of walking, the prison's sirens still going off, an army of guards ran in your direction. Racer, who was in the back, looked over his shoulder and saw guards behind him.

"They've got us surrounded, Toxin." He reported.

"Not for long." You said in a monotone voice.

"Don't try anything funny, Toxin!" A guard in front of you shouted, his gun raised and aimed at your head. "The Council's on their way. Move a muscle and we shoot!"

"But you see, I know many magics." You informed, not moving at muscle other than your lips. "And for this one, I won't need to move my body."

"Don't!" The guard shouted, becoming scared but failing at trying not to show it.

"Oh, I'm not the one you should be worried about." You glanced at Angel who was to your left. "Angel, remember the magic I taught you a long time ago?"

"Why, yes I do." She nodded. "My secondary magic."

The guards moved their guns to point at Angel as she opened her mouth.

🎵 O' Death
O' Death
O' Death
Won't you spare me over another year? 🎵

The guards behind Racer dropped to the ground, motionless.

🎵But what is this that I can't see
With ice cold hands taking hold of me? 🎵

Angel softly sang the lyrics to the song and one by one, the guards dropped to the ground. No longer breathing. You continued to walk through the hall of dead bodies. The male Oraciòn Seis members looked around in shock at what she did.

"How did you do that?" Cobra asked.

"It's called Music Manipulation Magic." You explained, "Whatever song the Mage sings, comes to life on whoever the Mage sees as an enemy."

"That's an actual thing?" Racer raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Remind me not to piss the ladies off." He added under his breath.

As you guys kept walking, looking for an exit, you instructed Angel to keep singing as more guards approached you.

🎵 When God is gone and the Devil takes hold,
Who will have mercy on your soul?
O' Death
O' Death 🎵

🎵 O' Death
O' Death
No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold
Nothing satisfies me but your soul
O' Death
Well I am Death, none can excel
I'll open the door to heaven or hell
O' Death
O' Death
My name is Death and the end is here . . . 🎵

As Angel sang, you guys kept walking and once the song was finished, the entrance was right in front of you.

"I'm sure that what that guard said was true and the Magic Council will be here any minute." You said, "So we'll wait outside until they get here."

"You want to trap them?" Midnight asked.

"In a sense," You nodded your head lightly, "yes."

You and the rest of the Oraciòn Seis exited the prison and upon your orders, hid themselves and waited for the Council to arrive.

In about five minutes, the Magic Council had finally arrived at the prison. And now you could see why they took so long to get here. There was an army of councilmen swarming the entrance and you were sure there was a second army at the back entrance.

Upon the Captain's command, all of the councilmen ran into the building, their staffs (or whatever magical weapon they had) ready.

Once every Council member was inside, (you made Racer check the back entrance as well) you snapped your fingers and the entire prison exploded as if a bomb had went off.

You killed any remaining prisoners who were still in a cell, incinerated the already dead guards, and killed the entire Council.

"Whoa . ." Was all Cobra said.

You all came out of you hiding places and glanced at the destroyed and charcoaled building.

"Genius!" Racer grinned as he complimented you, "Now there's no one left to come after us."

"Well, I suspect that the only Council members left are the higher ups like the chairman." Midnight said, "But they never leave Council headquarters."

"Well, that's good." Angel hummed.

"So what now?" Cobra grunted.

"Now we find clothes, change," You replied, staring off into the distance. "and start all over."

The six of you walked together down the road in silence. Not an awkward or annoying silence. The silence was surprisingly nice since you were all free now. You were no longer handcuffed or locked in a cell.

And now, since you were the leader, you had to come up with a plan for all of you to get your prayers answered.

That was the original goal, wasn't it? That was how it all began.

Snake Charmer [Cobra/Erik x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now