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*Harry's POV*

I stay with Meg until Simon comes back. He went to go call his brother, to tell him about what's happened. Their mum said she wanted nothing to do with her but Nick had always wanted to know who Meg is so he asked Simon to stay in touch.

It's complicated but long story short, Simon went to call Nick because that's the only person he can tell about what's happened.

I don't know what to think about what Meg said. If she's never had any problems then how has she got records? I don't really want to think about this, it freaks me out at the thought. I lay Meg down properly in her bed to allow her to sleep and I drag myself back into my room.

"She'll be okay Harry" I hear Tobi say from my door, he startled me slightly - I didn't know he'd be there.
"Thanks man, I'm just worried you know" I say.
"We're about to record a GTA video if you wanna join us, you're hardly ever in them anymore" He asks.
I do need something to take my mind off her.
"Sure, let me load up the game" I accept his offer.

I turn on my recording equipment and get my game up and running. There's a chorus of "OMG Harry you're actually here" and I laugh it all off as we start the video.

{Time Skip Video}

We finished recording and I remember I have to post Meg and I's Q&A. Before I do I watch it back just to see her smile, I feel someone's hand on my shoulder. "Go hang with her for the night Harry, I'll sort your videos" Simon says.

I give him a small smile "thank you" I walk out of my room and straight into Meg's.

"How you doing Mouse?" I ask

"I'm doing better, I can get up without my head hurting now" she smiles, so hopeful.

"That's good" I sit next to her on her bed "Simon's told me to come see you, he's sorting out my editing for the night"

She giggles. "That's because I asked him to go get you, I was getting sick of just seeing his face" I happy she's back to her normal self, I mean she's still not allowed to get up and walk about but she's as normal as she can get.

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