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*Harry's POV*

I followed Meg downstairs, into the living room. She picks up the controllers and passes one to me.

"Pick a game, any game... I'll beat you on anything" I smirk
"Fine then we'll play Call of Duty" She laughs while putting the Black Ops 3 disc in, I forgot I told her I wasn't as good at that game.

She sits down next to me and sets up a Custom Game 1v1, fucking snipers only as well. She makes us use the RSA interdiction, which is worse because I've never used that weapon before. Confidence is key I guess.

"Ready to lose?" She asks with a smile
"Never, not a chance in the world"

We're 5 minutes in and the score is 23-15 to Meg. We hear footsteps in the door way, we both turn and see Vik "Hey guys!" He smiles at us.
"Hey Vik" Meg says "Wanna stay and watch me defeat Harry?"
"Yeah sure, sounds fun"


"YAAAAY!" Meg screams with laughter as she wins the game 30-22, Vik high fives her as she rubs it in my face.
"Yeah, yeah just because you won... Try me at Fifa, come at me" I smirk
"Oh it's on!" She laughs "I'm on a roll"

Vik leaves the room leaving Meg and I by ourselves, she cuddles up to me placing her head on my shoulder. Clearly trying to distract me but I'm going to try not to let that happen. Once we changed the disc over to Fifa, we sat down and got comfortable again; I randomise our teams, I got Manchester United and she got Bayern Munich.
So this isn't much of a challenge.


It gets to half time and I'm only 1 nil up witch surprises me but I guess I'm just unaware of her skill.
She kisses my cheek just before I score to distract me "Fuck! How!?!" I shout, she giggles.

I hear footsteps down the stairs and I guess so does Meg, she instantly moves away as Simon walks in the door.
"Hey I heard, um, shouting? Just wondering if you guys are okay?" He asked.
"Si, sit down... We need to tell you something" Meg says
Meg moves back towards me letting Simon sit down. The atmosphere in the room shifts, this is being taken way too seriously.
"So I've been meaning to tell you this since last night, since yesterday Harry and I have decided to become a thing"

Since Yesterday... Nice save.

"It's not a big thing but we thought you should know first" She finishes her explanation and waits for a response.

"We all knew you guys... We all heard you kissing the other night, I accept that. Have a nice night now!" He walks back out the room and Meg's face goes red as fuck.
"Embarrassed are we Mouse?" I laugh

Her eyes look bloodshot, as if she was about to pass out.
"SIMON?!?" He runs back in with Vik and Tobi just as Meg losses consciousness.

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